What Names Are Suitable For Collie Dogs?

What Names Are Suitable For Collie Dogs?
What Names Are Suitable For Collie Dogs?

Finding the right name for Collie dogs is not easy, especially if they have a pedigree. The nickname is given to a dog for life, so you need to take into account the characteristic features of this particular breed.

What names are suitable for collie dogs?
What names are suitable for collie dogs?

Names by pedigree

Collies are elegant and good-natured animals that need a nickname that matches their status. Pedigree dogs always have a pedigree. For collies, nicknames are chosen in a special way: after the breeder checks them for defects, the puppies are branded. Then the litter gets a letter. All puppies should be named on it. Everything happens at your discretion, but, as a rule, dealers are always interested in the first letter of the pedigree to choose a nickname.


Collies first appeared in Iceland, from where they were transported to the UK. Knowing this fact, the owners often called their dogs by an abbreviation from their homeland: Isley or Isla. And now these names are suitable for a dog of this breed.

The very name of the breed, presumably, is associated with the coal-black color of the first collies. Therefore, you can name the collie dog Coal or Tar, paying tribute to this legend.

Collies are classified as shepherd dogs. Calling the dog Pastukh or simply Paz is a good idea.

Nicknames by color

The most famous type of collie is the Rough Collie. It is he who is most often implied when calling this breed. These dogs have three types of coat color: blue with a silvery shade of blue merle, red sable and black tricolor with red and white veins. You can build on these colors by coming up with a name for a collie dog. For example, you can call the dog Blue, Sable or Tricky. By connecting imagination, you can combine the first color with legends and get the bright nickname Merlin. If you want a softer nickname, go for options like Pyatnyshko or Ryzhik.

Talking about the external signs of a collie, it is worth noting that her eyes are almond-shaped. The nickname Almond will be not only original, but also suitable for this particular breed.


Collies are not only beautiful dogs, but also very peaceful. They love children, are loyal and obedient. Therefore, collie dogs are suitable for the nicknames Mira, Charlie, Sheila, which sound nice and soft.

This breed is often used as a guard, in the fields as a shepherd and even as a "nurse dog". From this we can conclude that the name Nanny, derived from the English "nanny", will appeal to any collie.

Famous dogs

There are many celebrities among collies, after whom a pet can be named. For example, Dick. This is a world-famous mine detector dog. To call your dog that is to pay tribute to the heroism of this animal. The sabotage dog Dean is also one of the proud representatives of the collie. Do not forget about the most famous name Collie - Lassie. This TV star is still the most famous of this breed. The first dog to play Lassie in a movie was named Pal. This nickname is perfect for a collie dog.

Any nickname should be pleasant to you and easy for the dog to remember. Therefore, short names are ideal.
