Who Is Honorik

Who Is Honorik
Who Is Honorik

An unusual animal with a funny name "honorik" is popular with pet lovers. Cute, surprising with a smartness of character and curiosity, he can become a real little friend.

Who is Honorik
Who is Honorik

Honorik is an unusual animal

The interesting name "honorik" of the animal bred in 1978 is easily explained. The animal, which appeared from a ferret and a female European mink, acquired character traits from relatives and a name that came from the merger of two names. Honoriks also have another name borrowed in Poland - "ferret".

Outwardly, honoriki look like a mink, but the animal inherited larger ears with a light color along the edges from the ferret. Ferrets are multi-colored: golden, white, chocolate and silver. The white spot on the forehead of the honorik makes it possible to call him a "badger", dark legs, tail and mask - "Siamese", and a completely white head - "panda". This exotic animal with clear, shining eyes has a soft shiny coat.

Honorik's behavior and disposition

Honoriks inherited the ability to swim from the mink mother, and intensive digging was inherited from the ferret. There is no limit to the inquisitiveness of the honorik, he can appear anywhere. Therefore, owners need to be careful not to accidentally harm the pet.

When starting to wash, check if honorik is sleeping in the drum of the washing machine. Close the doors to the bathroom and toilet tightly: cases indicate the death of animals in the toilet bowl and the bathtub filled with water. Look carefully under your feet and check the place where you are going to sit: honoriki may end up in clothes lying on a chair. If your pet is missing, look for it in the cracks between walls and furniture, in the couch, in drawers. Honorik can even screw himself into rolls of toilet paper. An anxious animal can live up to 12 years with proper care and attention.

Ferrets need serious care, special living conditions, certain food and delicate handling. Honoriki are small predators. You need to feed pets with meat, cereals, fruits and vegetables; smoked meats are categorically excluded from the diet.

Honoriki have an aggressive disposition and are difficult to tame. Having decided to have this animal at home, buy a female first. Girls in their habits resemble cats, are more agreeable, get used to a person much faster. Having learned well the habits of an unusual pet, you can purchase a restive honorik-boy.

Breeding a mink / ferret hybrid

Honoriki are almost never found in the wild. In the eighties of the last century, the undertaken mass breeding of these animals on fur farms caused difficulties. Firstly, the reproduction of the offspring of honorics seemed to be a rather complicated process; males do not have the ability to produce offspring. Second, the number of European mink has been steadily declining.

Nowadays honorik breeding is primarily associated with scientific purposes. Experimental biological centers have been created for this in some cities. There are breeders who breed distant generations of these animals.

Soviet biological science, which was on the rise, bred a special hybrid animal. Honorik fur, which is of high quality, was awarded medals at fur exhibitions in the capital. The captive descendants of the well-known mink and ferret have received a lot of media attention.