The decorative rat is said to be an animal for people with nerves of steel. Many even refuse to have such a pet. However, not everyone knows about the peculiarities of the character of decorative rats and the peculiarities of caring for them.

Step 1
Perhaps, it is worth starting with the most important thing, namely, with the arrangement of housing for the animal. Rats are mobile animals, so a small hamster or canary cage will not work for them. The minimum size of the "dwelling" for one rat should reach at least 50 cm in height and 60 cm in length, the ideal width starts from 40 cm. It is especially worth considering how closely the cage bars are located to each other. If the gap is too large, the rat can accidentally get stuck there and break its paw, or simply run away.
Step 2
Since these animals love to conquer different heights, it is advisable to place several shelves inside the cage, onto which the rat can jump. A small nuance - in males, problems with the hind legs are very common, especially closer to old age. Therefore, shelves that are made of wood are suitable for them, or you can cover ordinary lattice shelves with fabric. The first option is less economical, since the wood absorbs the smell perfectly and you will have to change the shelf once a month at least, while the fabric can be simply removed and washed.
Step 3
It is equally important to organize a place to sleep and rest. Rats love secluded nests in which to hide from drafts and prying eyes. For this, both wooden houses, in which you can put a piece of warm flannel, and hammocks, which you can easily build with your own hands and hang under the ceiling of the cage, are suitable. The second option will be better, since it is, again, more economical, moreover, warmer and more comfortable. Labyrinths and other delights are not so important, this is at the discretion of the owner.
Step 4
As for the filler, there may be a problem here, despite the fact that there is a lot of it in stores.
Therefore, it is necessary to consider each species and give it a detailed description. Start with sawdust, the most common filler people take for rodents. They are quite economical and easy to use and clean, block odor, but at the same time, sawdust dust is extremely harmful to rats. The wood from which the sawdust is made also matters. You should not take conifers, rats are allergic to them. The same can be said for flavored sawdust. Wood pellets have the same disadvantages, but in addition to this, rats can still chew on it, especially if they are young individuals. Hay does not do any harm to the animal, but it does not keep the smell, and it is also not very cheap. Rags, on the other hand, can crumble into threads, in which the rat can again become entangled. The best option is paper towels. They are very easy to change, even several times a day, they perfectly absorb urine and do not cause allergies. At a cost, you can also find quite acceptable options.
Step 5
Rats are very sociable pets. Without contact with humans or other animals, they will be bored. Therefore, it is best to take two rats at once, but always of the same sex, if there is no desire to turn the apartment into a rat kindergarten. Thus, the rat will not get bored if the owner spends a lot of time at work or study.
Step 6
They are unpretentious in food, but they cannot be fed from the table. You can give fresh fruits, carrots, dairy products. Also, some feed pets with baby food, they love it very much, but in no case should citrus fruits, sweets, fried, spicy and salty be given. The rat organism is very fragile and will fail very quickly on such a diet.
Step 7
Rats love to walk, but you cannot leave them to run on their own, especially if there are other animals at home. Moreover, a rat can harm itself if it eats some nasty stuff from the floor, or bites a wire from a working TV.
Step 8
This was the basic information on how to make the life of a decorative rat safe, comfortable and long. If you want to know even more, you can turn to ratologists. These are veterinary specialists who specialize in these particular rodents.