All About Dachshunds: Care, How To Feed

All About Dachshunds: Care, How To Feed
All About Dachshunds: Care, How To Feed

Dachshund is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. Its short legs and elongated body allow dachshunds to climb into deep badger holes. Dachshunds are brought up not only by hunters, but also by ordinary people who love these dogs for their courage, high intelligence, wonderful character, playfulness, unusual appearance.

All about dachshunds: care, how to feed
All about dachshunds: care, how to feed

Character and intelligence

Dachshunds are endowed with a balanced and stable nervous system, as befits a hunting dog. By the way, this factor is also typical for ornamental species of the breed. Dachshund is a calm and sensible dog, never panicking, because she simply does not know fear. A sense of discipline and a developed intelligence of the breed dominates the basic instincts, so during the walk the dog will not rush forward after the cat or dog.

Dachshunds are classic sanguine, rather inquisitive. This is due to the primary hunting vocation and genetics, since for successful work the dog must be interested in any creak or rustle, everything that happens around it. This breed has a well-developed guardian instinct, they bravely and faithfully guard the family and the owner's house. Dachshunds bark with the power and loudness of large ferocious dogs.

Dachshund care

Dachshund earing is quite simple, it is associated with basic hygienic procedures. The dog's coat does not require special care, it is enough to wipe it with a piece of hard terry towel or velvet cloth (long-haired dachshund should be brushed). After walking, wipe her paws with a damp cloth or wash them under the tap. It is recommended to bathe the dachshund, if necessary, with a special shampoo designed for this breed.

To fight ticks or fleas, you can use a wide variety of drugs: sprays, soap, shampoo, dusting powder, collars or drops. Before you start processing your pet, carefully read the attached instructions. Be sure to take into account weight, type of coat, age, degree of infestation and propensity to allergic manifestations.

Don't forget about the claws. Carefully cut off only the tips of the claws with special claws, try not to touch the place where the vessels pass. You can contact a veterinarian for this, a specialist will show you how to do it correctly. In adults, claws grind against the asphalt, so pruning is required only in rare cases.

Every morning, crusts and mucus accumulate in the corners of the eyes of dachshunds, which must be regularly removed with a damp cloth dipped in boiled water or weak tea. If the discharge from the eyes is profuse, a veterinarian should be consulted. Inspect your ears daily, if wax accumulates, carefully remove it with cotton wool wrapped around a match. Pre-soak it in boric alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, try not to go deep into the auricle. You can use special drops sold at the pet store to clean your ears. In adult dachshunds, tartar builds up on the teeth, which can cause bad mouth odor or tooth decay. This can be prevented by using a special toothpaste and brush.

Feeding dachshunds

An obvious plus for dachshunds is that they don't eat much. It is easy to calculate the size of a serving: for every kilogram of a dog, forty grams of food is needed. Dachshunds up to three months need to be fed at intervals of four hours. Then give food four times a day for up to a year. Gradually reduce your meals to three times a day. Further feeding is carried out once or twice a day. The pet's diet should contain boiled meat and fish. Add a little crushed garlic to prevent helminthiasis.

Rich sources of vitamins are vegetables and other vegetation. Spoil your dachshund with raw, chopped carrots. The menu should contain dried fruits, nuts and cheese - foods rich in calcium that can strengthen the musculoskeletal system. To satisfy your dog in mineral salts, buy bones, tendons and sinews for your pet, add a little salt to the food. Include a variety of cereals in your dachshund's diet. Feed at a specific time. Always remove leftover food from the bowl. Clean water should always be available.

Never feed your dog with raw meat, pastries, flour products, boiled bones and smoked meats. Dairy products can only be given to the dachshund for up to four months. Since it is difficult to formulate the correct diet for a dachshund, you can purchase a vitamin and mineral complex.
