How To Keep A Veiltail Fish

How To Keep A Veiltail Fish
How To Keep A Veiltail Fish

An aquarium is not an ordinary container for keeping different fish. This is a real window to the underwater kingdom, where "beauties" and "monsters" swim. Veil-tail aquarium fish can be safely attributed to "beauties", because it is beautiful. Many connoisseurs breed veil-tails like fish with excellent conformational data.

How to keep a veiltail fish
How to keep a veiltail fish

Features of the content of veil tails

For a pair of such fish, an aquarium of 50 liters is required. If you want more beauty, then provide a larger aquarium. These fish can even live in pools and ponds. Of course, in cold weather they need to be moved to an aquarium. Veil-tails are demanding on the saturation of water with oxygen, on its purity. Therefore, aeration is required. Water filtration is indispensable - the fish quickly clog up the aquarium. The acidity of the water is from 6, 5 to 8, 0, the temperature range is within 12-28 degrees.

Veiltail fish like to search for food in the ground, so pay special attention to the design of the bottom of the aquarium. The stones should not have sharp corners, otherwise the fish will damage their fins. Hide the roots of living plants in rocks, the foliage of the plants should be tough, but not clinging, especially if you have chosen artificial plants.

Veil-tails are slow fish, they are not picky about food. They eat vegetable, combined, live, dry food. You cannot overfeed them. During the day, the fish should eat 3% of its own weight. Give your fish a fasting day once a week.

With whom the veil-tails get along

Veil-tails, of course, have their envious and ill-wishers. Aquarium veil-tails are peaceful; active and nimble neighbors are not suitable for them. For example, restless neighbors of the barbs or fish of the family of the haracinforms can drag the veil-tails by the fins. But with shubunkin fish, veil-tails get along well. With good maintenance, veil-tails grow up to 20 centimeters, they can live up to 20 years.
