How To Teach A Parrot

How To Teach A Parrot
How To Teach A Parrot

Table of contents:


Has a winged tenant appeared in your house? Do not rush to immediately start training him - in order for him to become tame and start talking, you need to know some of the features of raising parrots.

How to teach a parrot
How to teach a parrot


Step 1

If you want your parrot to become tame, then you should only buy a young bird. There is a myth that only a male can be taught to speak - this is not so, young females are also perfectly amenable to training.

Step 2

Before you start training, let your pet get used to the new home. Do not try to take him in your arms at first - this will only frighten the bird. Approach the cage slowly, do not make any sudden movements. Start talking to the parrot, keep your voice quiet and friendly.

Step 3

Once your parrot gets used to the new environment, try giving it a treat. Take a slice of carrot or apple and slide it through the bars of the cage. As soon as the bird starts to take it, you can try to open the cage door and offer a treat from your hand.

Step 4

Gradually, the parrot will begin to trust you. Then you can put the treat in the palm of your hand. In order to reach it, your pet will have to sit on your fingers. Gradually, you can start letting the parrot fly around the room, periodically offering him goodies from your hands.

Step 5

Once the parrot is completely comfortable, you can try to teach him to talk. It is best to start training in the morning, before feeding. Walk up to the cage and begin to clearly pronounce the words that you want the parrot to pronounce. Take your time, 3-5 words will be enough to get you started.

Step 6

You need to do as much as your free time allows. Be sure to accompany the feed by repeating the phrases you want.

Step 7

Best of all, parrots perceive high voices - women and children. Take a closer look at your pet - if during the learning process he listens to you attentively, tilting his head to one side or the other, then the learning process is going well.

Step 8

Praise your parrot for every word you say. Be patient - all birds are individual: someone will start talking within a few days, while someone will need a couple of months. Be gentle and patient. You will definitely succeed!
