Determining the sex of a British kitten is sometimes difficult: their genitals are just beginning to form, and the fluffy fur hides so far barely noticeable differences. Nevertheless, it is possible to determine exactly who is in front of you - a cat or a cat, even in the first days of a kitten's life.

Step 1
Take the kitten in your arms, place it on your palm on its tummy and gently lift its tail. Below it, you will be able to see two holes. Under the very tail is the anus, which looks exactly the same in both males and females and resembles a dot in shape.

Step 2
If below the anus you see a vertical slit of the vulva, and the structure of the genitals as a whole resembles an inverted exclamation mark, then you are in front of a future British lady.

Step 3
If the second hole is round and located at some distance from the anus (in month-old kittens this distance is about a centimeter), and the picture resembles a colon sign, you are holding a cat in your hands.

Step 4
Sometimes in cats in the area of the "colon" (between the anal and urethra), you can feel small swelling: this is the beginning of the formation of the scrotum. But the presence of bulges is not an unambiguous sign of being male: small cats also have swelling in the genital area.

Step 5
The nipples on the stomach are also not an unambiguous sign that allows you to determine the sex: they can be seen in both males and females, although they are more noticeable in cats.

Step 6
Experienced breeders of British cats can often determine the sex of a kitten by character and behavior: females are usually calmer and slower, and males are more active and purposeful, strive to explore the surrounding space and try to compete with their brothers.
Step 7
British cats have pronounced sexual dimorphism (that is, external differences between males and females). Cats of this breed are much smaller than cats, their muzzle is narrower, and their body structure is more graceful. But these differences usually appear in older animals, so it is most likely that it will not be possible to determine the gender of a two- or three-month-old kitten, focusing on size or physique.