The most beautiful and attractive of all dog breeds is, perhaps, the Husky. They are among the most loyal and devoted pets. Only people who are fond of sports will be able to keep such a dog, since Huskies require long walks in the fresh air. They are also very fond of children: among the Chukchi tribes, Huskies performed the functions of nannies. So how do you train them?

Step 1
Practice the very first and simplest command for the Husky: "Come to me." It is best to start learning and training at an early age. The best time for training is the appearance of a baby in the family. This makes the Husky's character kinder and more pliable, because they are distinguished by their independence and love of freedom. Wolf roots are still evident in their character.

Step 2
Find a professional Husky instructor who will either be able to help you in theory, or start training your pet for a fee. Everyone should take care of this in advance, before the onset of the age of 6-7 months. This will help to further restrain and tame the independent character of the dog. If you start taking care of upbringing and training later, then you will have a hard time with a dog with such a disposition. Any dog should know the basic commands and be able to carry them out. Workouts must be correctly designed, and, most importantly, justified both practically and theoretically. Professionals can give you the right advice or work with your pet to achieve the desired level of training and education.

Step 3
Spending more time on your dog will not only help him become more trained, but you will also understand him better. Maintain a schedule for walking and exercising, feeding and sleeping. This will help the dog get used to its routine. Be sensitive to your pet, do not forget about it. And then Husky can become a good and faithful friend who will always be there.