Useful information about pets and wild animals

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At What Age Can Cats Be Spayed?

At What Age Can Cats Be Spayed?

Many cat owners are not mentally prepared for the appearance of offspring from their pets. Special birth control pills are not always the best solution, in which case you have to resort to sterilization, but at what age will it be safest for your cat?

How To Prepare A Cat For Neutering

How To Prepare A Cat For Neutering

Spaying a cat is not a difficult procedure for an experienced doctor, and yet it is a great challenge for the animal's body. Before the operation, you should check the cat and prepare it for the procedure so that everything goes without complications

What Are The Signs Of A Cat's First Estrus?

What Are The Signs Of A Cat's First Estrus?

Feline estrus is a natural process that does not require owner control. However, if the cat is "walking" for the first time, attention should be paid to the animal - for this you need to know the signs of estrus in order to prevent possible problems

When To Sterilize Your Cat

When To Sterilize Your Cat

The reproductive instinct is strong in domestic animals, as well as in those who live in natural conditions, and the animal, unlike humans, cannot control it. Therefore, if you are not going to engage in breeding, acquiring a cat in the house, you should immediately think about sterilizing it

Neutering The Cat. How To Care For A Operated Animal

Neutering The Cat. How To Care For A Operated Animal

A cat from which the owners do not plan to receive offspring should be spayed. It is much safer and healthier for the animal's health than constant estrus and the more use of drugs to suppress sexual desire. However, you should be prepared for the time and effort involved in caring for your cat after surgery

How Much Does A Husky Puppy Cost

How Much Does A Husky Puppy Cost

Laika is the general name, in fact, of several breeds of hunting dogs bred in the northern territories of the forest zone of Eurasia. The indigenous population used them not only for hunting wild animals, but also as sled dogs. If you are going to purchase a husky puppy as a pet, its cost will depend on what type of husky it belongs to

Why Did The Chickens Stop Laying?

Why Did The Chickens Stop Laying?

A chicken egg contains vitamins, protein and minerals. Eggs strengthen joints and bones, increase brain activity, and stimulate the immune system. In addition, this product is assimilated by 97-98% by the human body. In a family farm, raising chickens plays an important role precisely because of the high nutritional value of eggs

What Does A Fertilized Egg Look Like In A Chicken?

What Does A Fertilized Egg Look Like In A Chicken?

In order to determine with confidence whether a hen's egg is fertilized, you need to know the signs of the formation and vital activity of the embryo. The advice of poultry farmers will tell you how to distinguish a living embryo from a dead one

How Hedgehogs Breed

How Hedgehogs Breed

There are many jokes and anecdotes on the reproduction of hedgehogs. All this is due to the sharp needles. People are perplexed: how do hedgehogs manage to arrange love games? After all, thorns will definitely interfere. This is an illusion

How To Terminate A Pregnancy In A Dog

How To Terminate A Pregnancy In A Dog

There are a number of indications that require termination of a dog's pregnancy. An abortion is best done early in order to avoid complications and diseases in the pet. It is necessary Identify signs of pregnancy, consult a veterinarian, choose an abortion method Instructions Step 1 Owners are not always ready to raise puppies of their dogs due to lack of space in the house, inability to take care of several animals

How To Tell If Your Dog Is About To Labor

How To Tell If Your Dog Is About To Labor

The birth of puppies is a joyful event and at the same time a great responsibility for the owner. Recognizing the onset of labor and preparing for it is very important, even if you do not plan on delivering it yourself. Signs of labor in a dog During the preparatory period, the body prepares for the birth of puppies, the dog's birth canal opens up

How To Tell If A Rat Is Pregnant

How To Tell If A Rat Is Pregnant

Rats are a genus of rodents in the mouse family. They have become favorites and friends of people for a long time. It is worth taking into account their special fertility. And if you keep individuals of different sexes, then sooner or later they will produce offspring

How To Breed Sterlet

How To Breed Sterlet

Sterlet is a fish of the sturgeon family. It differs from other representatives of this genus in its size, narrow nose, long fringed antennae reaching the mouth, bipartite lower lip and touching lateral scutes. The back color is dark gray or grayish brown, the belly is white

What Is The Best Quail Breed

What Is The Best Quail Breed

There are two main directions in quail breeding: egg and meat. In accordance with the goals of raising these birds, you need to acquire those that are more consistent with the task at hand. For egg-growing, they buy Japanese, Estonian, tuxedos

All About Goats: How To Keep

All About Goats: How To Keep

Knowing about the benefits of goat milk, in our time, many are thinking about breeding goats in their summer cottages. Breeding goats does not require large expenses, besides, any utility room is suitable for keeping this animal - from a chicken coop to the attic of a private house

How To Breed Toy Terriers

How To Breed Toy Terriers

Breeding dogs of all breeds requires dedication and patience. Mating of toy terriers usually takes place without difficulty, since males of this breed are very active and do not need the help of an instructor at all. Female toy terriers are usually exemplary mothers and playful educators

Why Does The Indo-woman Not Sit On Eggs

Why Does The Indo-woman Not Sit On Eggs

Indo-duck is a poultry that is used to taking care of its offspring on its own. But sometimes she does not want to sit on eggs, the owner has to look for the reason for this behavior. Indoor women are found in many farmsteads. These are unpretentious, calm and hardy birds, with which problems rarely arise

How To Get Documents For A Dog

How To Get Documents For A Dog

By purchasing a puppy with documents, you do not receive a pedigree, but a metric - a temporary document that contains basic information about the puppy. It is up to you to exchange the metric for the pedigree. Instructions Step 1 At first, you will receive a dog with only a brand and metric

How To Know If A Chinchilla Is Pregnant

How To Know If A Chinchilla Is Pregnant

Finally, all the worries about choosing and buying a partner, quarantine, and imprisonment are over. The couple no longer fights at the feeder, does not spoil each other's fur coats, peacefully sleep side by side on a shelf or in the house. You may even have already caught them implementing your plans to expand the family

Pig Breeding: Which Breed To Choose

Pig Breeding: Which Breed To Choose

Among other domestic animals, the pig has no equal in omnivorousness, the rate of weight gain, the volume of meat obtained, as well as in its nutritional value and taste. The pig is very fertile: unlike a cow that gives birth to one calf per year, a pig's offspring can reach 14 piglets per farrowing, and during the year it is able to farrow twice with proper care