Useful information about pets and wild animals

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How To Breed Goslings In An Incubator

How To Breed Goslings In An Incubator

2025-01-22 15:01

You can buy goslings at a poultry farm or get a brood at home using a goose for incubation. But nowadays, electric incubators are increasingly being used. Depending on the size of the device, a large number of young stock can be obtained at once

How To Tell A Cat From A Cat

How To Tell A Cat From A Cat

2025-01-22 15:01

It would seem that there should be no big questions with determining the sex of animals: if the sexual characteristics are clearly expressed, it means that the cat. If not expressed - a cat. But, nevertheless, sometimes this simple method does not work:

How To Tame A Budgerigar

How To Tame A Budgerigar

2025-01-22 15:01

If you have a parrot, do not expect that he will become your friend at first sight and for life. Budgerigars are cautious and shy birds. It will take some time to tame a new pet, but the result will not be long in coming. If you conduct the taming process correctly, soon the fearful parrot will turn into a tamed pet, affectionate and sincerely attached to you

How To Wash Plants From An Aquarium

How To Wash Plants From An Aquarium

2025-01-22 15:01

Plants in the aquarium are of great importance to its inhabitants, as they enrich the water with oxygen and absorb the carbon dioxide emitted by the fish. However, it must be remembered that excess aquatic plants can kill the inhabitants of the aquarium

How To Walk Rabbits

How To Walk Rabbits

2025-01-22 15:01

If you do not keep rabbits in an apartment, but in a private house or in the country, you can sometimes release them free. Walking in good weather will benefit the rabbits, the main thing - do not forget to carefully monitor their safety and do not allow them to escape

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Why Take Cranes Away On A Hang Glider For The Winter?

Why Take Cranes Away On A Hang Glider For The Winter?

In early September, the media released sensational news - Russian President Vladimir Putin will lead a flock of white cranes to winter, following them on a motor hang-glider ahead of them. Such news made many Russians smile, but the media reports are based on very real facts

Who Is The American Hare

Who Is The American Hare

The American hare is a close relative of the Eurasian hare. This genus inhabits the territory of Canada and the United States, it can be found almost everywhere: from Alaska to New Mexico. Who is called the American hare The American hare is the popular name for the American hare (lepus americanus), a mammal of the hare family that lives in North America

Which Beetle Is The Smallest

Which Beetle Is The Smallest

The human eye is unable to see it. It is so small that a 10x magnification lens is required to view it. We are talking about the smallest beetle on earth, the feather wing. Featherwings are considered the smallest beetles on Earth

Spectacled Snake: Habitat, Size And Features

Spectacled Snake: Habitat, Size And Features

Spectacled snake, it is also a poisonous Indian cobra, is considered wise and noble. She rarely attacks a person, and when danger arises, she gets into a threatening stance and inflates the "hood". Name There are about 20 species of cobras in the world

The Language Of Cats: How To Understand The Tailed Friend

The Language Of Cats: How To Understand The Tailed Friend

The language in which cats can express their emotions and desires consists not only of vocal signals (meows, purrs, rumblings and growls of different types), but also of various postures and movements of the cat's body. The verbal language of cats The meowing of a cat is the first thing to listen to

How To Choose A Satchel

How To Choose A Satchel

Summer is coming to an end and troublesome time of preparation for school comes. Parents will have to purchase many school supplies: notebooks, textbooks, pencils, sports accessories, uniforms. However, the most responsible and difficult thing is to buy a schoolbag, because the formation of the correct posture of the child, his ability to endure considerable loads depends on the correct choice of the backpack

How To Get An Animal

How To Get An Animal

The appearance of a pet in the house is a great joy and responsibility for all family members. Each owner wants his animal to be healthy, many imagine in advance the ideal character of the pet. But this depends not only on upbringing, in addition to this, you need to carefully approach the choice of a four-legged friend

Who Are The Killer Bees

Who Are The Killer Bees

Bees are an old friend of man, with whom a mutually beneficial relationship has been established since ancient times. But have you heard of killer bees? It sounds scary and, in fact, they were given the nickname for a reason. And they appeared and spread not without human help

Animals With Unique Skills

Animals With Unique Skills

Animals are unique in nature. But many of them have such amazing skills that they are not only surprising, but admirable. Eagle. Good vision is inherent in all birds of prey. The eagle is endowed with very sharp eyesight, which is almost 4 times more powerful than human

The Most Dangerous Spiders In The World

The Most Dangerous Spiders In The World

Arthropods have long been the subject of close attention of mankind. Periods of worship gave way to eras of thoughtless destruction. Perhaps, at all times, the Arachnid class remained a real mystery to people. Instructions Step 1 Some believe that spiders bring good luck and prosperity, but scientists warn that among these animals there are individuals with truly deadly venom

The Most Beautiful Snakes

The Most Beautiful Snakes

Just one word "snake" sometimes makes many people shudder and shiver. This is understandable: snakes are poisonous and not very pleasant creatures. But not all! There are real beauties on planet Earth, about whom it is impossible to remain silent

Which Places In Armenia Are World Famous

Which Places In Armenia Are World Famous

For centuries, traces were laid on the Armenian land, which later became monuments of history and culture. There are three groups of UNESCO World Heritage Sites known throughout the world in Armenia. Instructions Step 1 Echmiadzin There are many historical monuments in the vicinity of Yerevan, but the most important among them is Echmiadzin - this is the center of the spiritual life of Armenia, the seat of the throne of the Catholicos of all Armenians

How Nicknames Come Up

How Nicknames Come Up

A nickname is as important to an animal as a name is to a person. You should not recklessly select a popular, intricate name before purchasing a pet, and even in the early days, the pet may remain nameless. Take a closer look at the behavior and habits of the four-legged friend, they will be the guides when choosing

How To Heal With Horses

How To Heal With Horses

Horse therapy, or hippotherapy, is a type of animal therapy used by Hippocrates. The most widespread hippotherapy received in the middle of the twentieth century, after winning the silver Olympic medal in equestrian sport Liz Hartell - a girl with polio

How To Sell An Animal

How To Sell An Animal

Sometimes, looking at our smaller brothers, there is a desire to take them home, take care of them, play with them. Many of us allow ourselves to do this. Moreover, people buy animals both practically free of charge and for a rather large amount

What Is The Largest Gastropod Animal In The World

What Is The Largest Gastropod Animal In The World

The largest gastropod mollusk is considered to be the African tiger snail. Its official name reflects the features of its size - the giant Achatina. Typically, these snails do not exceed 30 centimeters from head to tail and 10 centimeters in diameter in a cone-shaped shell

How To Prevent A Stranger's Dog Attack

How To Prevent A Stranger's Dog Attack

A certain number of people suffer from dog attacks every year. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for an act of aggression to come from pets as well. To avoid such cases, you need to know how to behave with stranger dogs. Instructions Step 1 Keep your distance

What Breed Of Dog Does Putin Have?

What Breed Of Dog Does Putin Have?

It is no secret that the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin is an open person, who loves nature and animals. The most extensive "collection" of Vladimir Vladimirovich is dogs. He has several of them, some were presented to him, and he accepted such gifts with undisguised pleasure, rejoicing at them like a child

How To Breed Queens In An Apiary: The Easiest Way

How To Breed Queens In An Apiary: The Easiest Way

To expand the apiary, beekeepers form layering in separate hives, hulls or loungers. The mother plant should be placed in the hive within a few hours after deposition. Also, sometimes the beekeepers put the "queen" herself in the layering

What Types Of Arabian Horses Are There

What Types Of Arabian Horses Are There

Arabian horses, along with Russian and English riding horses, are classified as purebred. This is one of the most ancient breeds, which was bred in the IV-VII centuries on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula. Arab horses are prized for their grace, leanness, thinness and lightness, and, unfortunately, still continue to be used in professional and semi-professional competitions