Useful information about pets and wild animals

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Chicken Breeds: Leghorn And Russian Whites

Chicken Breeds: Leghorn And Russian Whites

Leghorn chickens have Italian roots and have been bred for high egg production. Russian white was obtained by crossing Leghorns with local varieties. Leghorn chickens are the most highly productive and popular breed of chickens in Russia

How To Care For A Pregnant Siberian Cat

How To Care For A Pregnant Siberian Cat

Despite the fact that Siberian cats are quite freedom-loving creatures and, to a lesser extent than others, are prone to excessive tenderness with a person, even this harsh beauty requires increased attention and special care during pregnancy

Pregnancy And Childbirth In Cats: Tips And Tricks

Pregnancy And Childbirth In Cats: Tips And Tricks

Inexperienced cat owners may be at a loss as to whether their pet's pregnancy is normal and how it should be treated throughout this period. Affection, care, peace and attention - these are the cornerstones on which a problem-free pregnancy and successful childbirth are based

How To Choose A Dog Kennel

How To Choose A Dog Kennel

The choice of a dog must be approached responsibly, because a four-legged friend will spend 10-15 years with you. If you decide to purchase a purebred dog, it is best to do it in a kennel. Instructions Step 1 Buying a dog in the nursery, you can be sure that a shepherd or Russian spaniel will subsequently grow from a small fluffy ball

Why Do Bunnies Eat Their Little Bunnies?

Why Do Bunnies Eat Their Little Bunnies?

A mini-farm for breeding rabbits, if you approach the matter correctly, can become a rather profitable enterprise. The owner of such a farm does not usually need to make special efforts to increase the number of these animals. However, the farmer, of course, must know and follow the technology of breeding rabbits

How To Breed A Chinchilla

How To Breed A Chinchilla

In chinchilla breeding, as in any other business, there are various nuances that you need to know in order to achieve any result. In fact, absolutely anyone can engage in breeding these animals. At the initial stage, breeding chinchillas can bring a good additional income, and later, it can become your main income

How To Find A "bride" For Mating A German Shepherd

How To Find A "bride" For Mating A German Shepherd

If you are a responsible and conscientious owner of a purebred dog, already at the stage of acquiring a puppy, you should know that from time to time the animal will need to be knitted. This is necessary both for breeding work and for the dog itself, because the reproductive instinct has not yet been canceled

How Cats Change During Pregnancy

How Cats Change During Pregnancy

According to statistics, a cat's pregnancy lasts an average of 2 calendar months. Its duration can fluctuate for several days, both upward and downward, but in most cases kittens are born approximately 60 days after mating. During this period, the cat's behavior and appearance are quite different from the usual

Why Arabian Horses Are Considered A Special Breed

Why Arabian Horses Are Considered A Special Breed

Arab horses from time immemorial have been surrounded by a halo of mystery, thanks to various oriental legends. For example, according to one of them, the Arabian horse is the creation of Allah, who created it from the wind. Instructions Step 1 Currently, there are only three purebred horse breeds in the world

What Suits Of Horses Exist

What Suits Of Horses Exist

The beauty created by nature is always unique. Improving, its forms acquire an amazing variety and completeness. An example of this would be the colors of various animals, such as horses. There are only a few animals in the world that are as graceful and beautiful as a horse

How To Breed Chinese Dogs

How To Breed Chinese Dogs

One of the most popular breeds in recent years is the Chinese Crested Dog. But keep in mind that if you seriously decide to start breeding them, then do not skimp. Choose purebred dogs. It is best to look for a future pet at exhibitions or in good pet stores, where you can be provided with a complete pedigree

Where Can You Buy A Cow

Where Can You Buy A Cow

Slowly but surely, Russia is returning to its origins. More and more former townspeople are selling their apartments, building houses in villages and starting a subsistence economy. And one of the first questions one hears from new settlers is where and how can you buy livestock?

How To Become A Yorkie Breeder

How To Become A Yorkie Breeder

Small decorative dogs - Yorkshire terriers are in great fashion today, and the cost of puppies is quite high. This factor prompts some owners of such dogs to think of becoming a Yorkie breeder and get, at first glance, fairly easy and big money

25 Ingenious Life Hacks For Cat Lovers

25 Ingenious Life Hacks For Cat Lovers

It is possible to make a cat's life comfortable without significant financial investments. To do this, it is enough to make all the necessary elements from available tools. The pet will be happy with a scratching post, a place to rest, homemade toys

What You Need To Know About Musk Duck

What You Need To Know About Musk Duck

The muscovy duck is an unpretentious bird, therefore, it is convenient for breeding in our climatic conditions. It is grown both on large farms and on small peasant farmsteads. Sometimes it can even be seen in summer cottages. Muscovy duck is also called Indo-duck

How To Choose A Cat

How To Choose A Cat

Before you start a cat in the house, think for what purpose you need it. Maybe you want to get serious about breeding cats, or you just need an affectionate and loyal friend. The further choice of the animal will be based on these needs. Instructions Step 1 If you buy a kitten so that it guards the house from rodents, go through the shelters and choose an active outbred baby

How To Wean An Adult Cat From Shitting

How To Wean An Adult Cat From Shitting

A cat that does not go to the litter box, but relieves its needs throughout the apartment, can become a real problem for the owners. The smell of urine is very corrosive, and even after a general cleaning, the rooms will not smell fresh. If you do not want to bump into puddles in the most unexpected places, try to wean the animal from this addiction

How To Wash Cats Ears

How To Wash Cats Ears

Ears in cats require special attention, even if the animal is healthy. Regular grooming helps to prevent or detect at an early stage the development of various diseases. Ears should be washed once a week. It is necessary - veterinary products for cleaning animal ears - cotton pads or tampons (you can also use gauze wipes) - cotton swabs

How To Distinguish Kittens

How To Distinguish Kittens

When people think about getting a kitten, they first of all decide whether they want a cat or a cat. Indeed, there are significant differences between the behavior of felines of both sexes. Therefore, it is so important to be able to determine the sex of a kitten from the very first days of its life - for the owners, in order to attach the kittens to the right house, and for those who are going to get a fluffy lump so as not to get trapped

Cat Habits And Their Meaning

Cat Habits And Their Meaning

Feline habits are very diverse. Sometimes they cause a smile, and sometimes bewilderment of the owners. Having studied them, you can easily understand what your pet wants to tell you - for example, twitching its tail or wallowing on its back in front of you