Arabian horses, along with Russian and English riding horses, are classified as purebred. This is one of the most ancient breeds, which was bred in the IV-VII centuries on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula. Arab horses are prized for their grace, leanness, thinness and lightness, and, unfortunately, still continue to be used in professional and semi-professional competitions.

Characteristics of the "Arabs"
The height at the withers in stallions of this breed of horses is 153-155 cm, mares are slightly lower - 150-151 cm. They are characterized by a very regular and harmonious constitution, "dry" constitution, square at the forehead and concave to the nose of the head. The croup of Arabian horses is rather long and straight, and the tail is set high.
The most common colors, or colors, of Arab horses are gray with various shades, bay, red and black, but others are also possible. The rarest color among the "Arabs" is piebald, which is also called roan by the specialists of the World Organization of Arabian Horse Breeders or the World Arabian Horse Organization.
Another feature of the "Arabs" is their long life span - there are known animals that have lived up to 30 years. True, this indicator is rather arbitrary, since this breed is very often actively used in sports, which, unfortunately, does not prolong, but shortens the life span. Mares of the Arabian breed are also characterized by high fertility and can reproduce until very old age.
Typology within the breed
Historians and professional breeders distinguish four types, or conformation, within the breed of Arabian horses - koheilans, siglavi, hadbans and koheilan-siglavi.
The first type usually includes the most massive "Arabs" with a very strong constitution and great endurance. It is the coheilans that are strong horses and excellent and fast horses. The most common color of these Arabian horses is bay and red. Siglavi are characterized by medium size and great external "elegance". They are short in stature, but light and playful in movement. The most common suit for a siglavi is gray. Hadbans are horses in which it is allowed to go beyond the exterior of this breed, they are quite large and playful. Frequent colors for them are red, gray and bay. The last type - coheilan-siglavi, combines dry forms, and the same "elegance", as well as high growth. Their colors are red, gray and bay.
The "Arabs" have gained a reputation as excellent horses due to their great endurance - they can move up to 90-100 miles a day. The speed of Arabian horses even entered many proverbs, sayings and catch phrases. It is the "Arabs" that are still considered the best and most popular horses in the eastern world, and even the famous Akhal-Teke horses cannot compete with them.