How To Insulate A Dog Booth

How To Insulate A Dog Booth
How To Insulate A Dog Booth

If we proceed from the fact that the dog is a descendant of wolves and has retained the skills that its wild brethren possess, a simple shelter from the wind and precipitation will be enough for it. This, of course, applies to those "working" breeds, which are intended to carry the security service. But if the winters in your area are severe enough, you, as a caring owner, can insulate the kennel for your faithful friend.

How to insulate a dog booth
How to insulate a dog booth

Materials used to insulate a doghouse


If you decide to build a dog kennel and insulate it, it is better to use environmentally friendly natural materials, such as wood, for this. In this case, you can even refuse additional insulation - inside a small kennel, even in winter, the air will be heated by dog breath, and its wooden walls will be able to retain this heat, especially if the hole in the booth is covered with a special curtain. Laz must be made small so that the dog crawls into the booth on its belly.

But in the case when plywood is used, you can build a booth with insulation. In this capacity, sawdust or dry wood shavings, artificial felt or foam are used. New building tile materials, such as penoplex, as well as mineral wool, are perfect for insulation.

If plywood is used for interior cladding, tap all corner joints with a semicircular plastic glazing bead to prevent moisture delamination.

Pay special attention so that the dog's flat is not blown out, there are no gaps and through gaps between the joints. Make a frame under the outer skin of the kennel and put insulation inside it. As an internal sheathing, you can use plywood, OSB oriented strand board, euro lining, etc., but fiberboard and chipboard will not work for this purpose, since they do not belong to environmentally friendly materials.

What else can you insulate a dog kennel?

making a kennel for a dog
making a kennel for a dog

If the booth has already been built and imminent cold weather is coming, you can insulate it with thermal film such as tavik, yutavik, ozospan, etc. They fix it to the surface of the booth using a construction stapler, the staples are installed in a square-nest method with a step of 15-20 centimeters. The rough side of the film should be on the inside, and the smooth side on the outside, so that sediments do not linger on it and flow down.

To insulate the floor in a doghouse, you can use pine, spruce or cedar shavings at least 10 cm thick. The dog will be warm, and at the same time it will get rid of fleas, they do not like the coniferous smell.

You can also insulate the booth, to which the electrical network can be connected, with the help of panel or film heaters. Thin infrared panels, heating up to 45-50 ° C, must be fixed on self-tapping screws inside the booth or mounted under the casing, leading the wire to the nearest outlet. Thermal film, also operating in the infrared range, is mounted under the inner lining of the kennel.
