What Size Turtles Can Be

What Size Turtles Can Be
What Size Turtles Can Be

Video: What Size Turtles Can Be

Video: What Size Turtles Can Be
Video: Common Turtle Care MISTAKES and how to avoid them! (before you buy a turtle watch this) 2025, January

The turtle is a reptile animal covered with a strong bony shell, in the middle of which all the limbs that look outward, such as the head, paws and a small tail, can hide. The turtle moves slowly on the ground and fast enough in the water. What size can an adult turtle reach, because at birth its length is about 3 centimeters?

What size turtles can be
What size turtles can be

The American Swamp Turtle grows to a medium size. The maximum length of the carapace is from 26 to 28 centimeters, the carapace itself is olive-colored in a small light speck. This species of turtles is usually omnivorous, but insects are constant in their diet. The mating period of the marsh turtle lasts from March to September, after the incubation period, turtles weighing ten grams, 3 centimeters in length, are born. Such a turtle can be freely bred at home, the meat of the American turtle is a delicacy.

The European marsh turtle grows up to 20 centimeters in length. A distinctive feature of the European turtle is its long, sharp claws on its feet and webbing between the toes. This species of turtles inhabits the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Central Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus. During the season, the female lays about 20-30 eggs. This species is listed in the Red Book.

Red-eared turtles live in the waters of the Americas. They got their name for the spots behind the eyes, which are often red (although orange is also found). This species of turtles, as well as the others, have no ears. The color of the animal is very diverse and varies greatly with age. Old turtles of this species can even turn completely black. The size of an adult is up to 28 centimeters long.

Cayman turtle. The size of this turtle is much larger, growing up, the turtle reaches 35-40 centimeters in length, weight is 15 kg. Snapping turtles can be found in Colombia and Canada. The appearance of the animal is quite fierce: a powerful jaw, a large head covered with thorns, and sharp claws. The snapping turtle is characterized by aggressive behavior.

Among the largest turtles can be distinguished green turtle, whose weight reaches 200 kg, and in some cases all 400. The length of the shell is 150 cm in length, and this is not counting the length of the tail and head. The green turtle is known all over the world for its delicious meat, so this huge giant is often hunted.

Another one of the largest reptiles is the elephant turtle, whose weight reaches 400 kg, the length of the shell is 180 cm, and the life expectancy is about 170 years. In nature, no predatory animal is capable of killing an elephant turtle, the only threat is humans.

Today, most of the species of turtles are listed in the Red Book. Therefore, they are under the protection of the states on whose territory they live.
