If you brought home a kitten and want him to become your lifelong friend, you need to remember and follow a few simple rules.

1. Respect your cat! Treat your pet as a person from the very beginning. Do not interfere with the cat in its movement around the apartment - it must explore its territory, sniff and get to know every corner in order to feel absolutely comfortable. Never wake a sleeping cat, do not touch it while sleeping - this is the law.
2. Forget the very concept of "squeezing" a cat. Irrepressible tenderness often leads to the fact that the owners stroke, shake the beast against his will, restrict him in movement … What will the cat do the next time, seeing his "gentle tormentor"? Of course, she will try to run away and hide!
3. Punish the cat only as a last resort - for example, if he made a puddle in the wrong place. And remember that if you hit your pet, you will forever lose his friendship and trust. To make the cat understand that he has been punished, it is enough to put him next to the "crime scene", grab him tightly by the scruff of the neck and strictly say several times "no, bad", while calling him by name.
4. There is one very simple and effective way to make it clear to the animal that you are his friend. You need to sit in front of the beast, catch its gaze, stare into its eyes for just a couple of seconds, and then, without looking away, slowly squint your eyes, almost close them, and spend several minutes in such a visual "dialogue". Do this exercise 2-3 times every day, and you will see how much it will strengthen your friendship with the cat.
5. Explain to your children the rules of handling a cat, teach them how to play with an animal correctly - not teasing, offending or causing discomfort. Take tight control of the relationship between children and the animal, and if you notice any problems, immediately take strict measures!