Cats have long been human pets. However, you need to think carefully before starting a fluffy animal: cats and cats are capable of bringing both benefit and harm to their owners.

The advantages of having a cat or a cat at home are obvious: a funny and fluffy creature appears in your home, which may well become a real family member. This is a suitable solution for single or elderly people: they acquire a real friend. He may not know how to speak, but he is an excellent listener. Children are also very happy with the appearance of a new pet in the family. For residents of village houses and some apartments, the cat can be a real savior. She is an excellent hunter of mice and other small rodents. As a rule, the number of various insects in the dwelling also decreases, which many representatives of the cat family are very fond of catching. Representatives of most cat breeds are very affectionate and always follow on the heels of the owner. It's fun to play with them and watch how dexterously and gracefully they move. In addition, cats (with the exception of some hairless breeds) have a smooth and shiny coat that is very pleasant to the touch. Numerous studies have shown that stroking them helps to overcome depression and stress, charge a person with energy and good mood. Some believe that these pets are also excellent healers and provide protection against various diseases. As for the disadvantages of representatives of felines, first of all, they should be attributed to their complete intolerance to people suffering from allergies to wool. In addition, sometimes it turns out that people, unfortunately, discover this type of allergy in themselves only after establishing a pet. The only salvation in this case is the purchase of a hairless animal. Another problem is the sexual instinct: from time to time cats and cats begin to wail heart-rendingly, demonstrating their desire to procreate. At the same time, cats can actively mark the surrounding area, which is why furniture, appliances and other household items continue to emit a pungent and unpleasant odor for a long time. Not all cats and cats can be trained to walk on the litter box. Then they begin to fulfill their natural needs in the most unexpected corners of the house. In addition, they are great lovers of sharpening claws and teeth, using upholstered furniture, wallpaper, wooden surfaces, and sometimes the feet of their owner. And yet, you can find your own approach to almost any domestic animal, the main thing is to approach its upbringing with great responsibility.