Why Do Cows Have A Hole In Their Side

Why Do Cows Have A Hole In Their Side
Why Do Cows Have A Hole In Their Side

Recently, in the network, you can increasingly find images of cows with a hole in the side with a diameter of a human hand, and a valve is inserted into it. It turns out that this is not Photoshop at all, but an increasingly popular veterinary practice. But why does a cow need a hole in the side?

Why do cows have a hole in their side
Why do cows have a hole in their side

These animals are operated on under anesthesia, making holes in them, so that you can help them with various digestive problems. A cow's stomach has to digest a lot of fiber. At the same time, the microflora of her digestive system is quite sensitive, and, for example, when changing the diet, difficulties may appear. When the stomach does not have time to reorganize for new food, it clogs up in one of its sections. The cow starts to get sick and may even die.

Previously, in such cases, veterinarians pierced the cow's belly so that excess gas came out of it. Many people still do this, but for the animal it is quite painful. Including due to the fact that the owner, as a rule, waits until the last and does not call a specialist, hoping that the cow will become easier without outside interference. Now, cows who already had digestive problems began to make holes in the side and install valves that you can simply open and release gases. In addition, if necessary, you can pull out excess food through the same channel by hand. As the doctors assure, the valve does not interfere with the life of the animal at all.

True, succumbing to fashion, many owners began to "perforate" all the cows in a row, just for prevention. This causes discontent among animal rights activists, who cannot calmly look at animals with huge holes in their sides and people sticking their hands in there. On some farms, valves are installed in order to make it easier to study the effect of different feeds on the microflora of the digestive system of cows. The hole, by the way, is actually called a fistula. It is rather difficult to unequivocally answer the question of whether it is good to make holes in the side of cows. The arguments of those who say that it is useful and safe sound convincing, but those who say that the spectacle is not for the faint of heart are also right.
