How To Keep Them And Breed Aquarium Frogs

How To Keep Them And Breed Aquarium Frogs
How To Keep Them And Breed Aquarium Frogs

Aquarium frogs perform several functions - they are an original decorative decoration and a means for disinfecting water. There are special varieties of frogs designed for keeping and breeding in aquariums, but ordinary river toads can also take root at home.

Aquarium frogs
Aquarium frogs

Keeping aquarium frogs

how to distinguish a female frog from a male
how to distinguish a female frog from a male

Most aquarium frogs are unpretentious and do not require special conditions for keeping. Even in a small aquarium, 2-3 individuals can be kept at the same time. The main thing to pay attention to is the soil and the selection of special aquatic plants.

The best options for filling the aquarium are river gravel or granite chips. The fact is that frogs love to dig holes and hide in them, so using other types of substrate for the aquarium can lead to significant water pollution. These types, for example, include river sand, which is categorically not recommended to use.

Frogs can live in an aquarium for up to 15 years. The main condition for keeping is the care and proper feeding of aquatic inhabitants.

Plants for the aquarium in which the frog lives must be selected with special care. Green vegetation should have fairly large leaves and a developed root system. Otherwise, the nimble inhabitants of the aquarium can undermine the plants. The foundations of all vegetation should be covered with large pebbles.

Aquarium frogs are bad for temperature changes, so when changing water, try to make it slightly different from the old one. In addition, it is recommended to use only settled liquid for filling the aquarium.

Do not forget that frogs are amphibious creatures, so air is no less important to them than water. In aquariums with frogs, several pieces of styrofoam should be placed on the surface of the water so that, if desired, the reptile can take a break from the water element.

Food for frogs

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The favorite food for aquarium frogs is bloodworms, carriages and worms. This type of amphibian is a predator, so from time to time you can treat frogs with pieces of fish or chicken meat.

Under no circumstances should you overfeed aquarium frogs. From constant oversaturation, they develop serious liver diseases, which can lead to death. Particular care must be taken with such a type of feed as the tubifex. It is recommended to give this food several times a week, but such worms are not suitable for daily use.

Some species of aquarium frogs, such as pipa, can eat the fish that live with them. That is why these types of frogs are best kept in separate aquariums. Other species of these amphibians show no interest at all in those aquatic inhabitants that live with them.

Breeding aquarium frogs

Breeding frogs in an aquarium is straightforward. Reptile females lay eggs, which are fertilized within a few days.

During the mating season, bright black stripes appear on the male's legs. At the same time, the frogs begin to make sounds that resemble the ticking of the hands on a clock.

Tadpoles can differ in their behavior and appearance. They can swim upside down and spend most of their time on the surface of the water rather than at the bottom of the aquarium. Some of them have rather long antennae. Small creatures feed mainly on algae, but it is recommended to additionally feed them with chopped spinach and lettuce.

Gradually, the tadpoles turn into small frogs, but with a tail. During this period of time, the food of the reptiles changes. Frogs begin to eat food intended for fish, and also take a special interest in daphnia, which becomes their favorite food.
