When Can You Spay Your Dog?

When Can You Spay Your Dog?
When Can You Spay Your Dog?

From the point of view of specialists, sterilization is understood as a violation of the reproductive function of animals of both sexes without removal of the reproductive glands, but at the household level, the definition of sterilization as the removal of the reproductive system of females has been fixed. Today it is the safest and most effective method of preventing the appearance of unwanted offspring in a dog.

When can you spay your dog?
When can you spay your dog?

Why you should neuter your dog

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How does cat neutering work?

Although there are still many opponents to the operation, neutering of bitches is used around the world to regulate the number of dogs. Even the most caring and attentive owner cannot be one hundred percent sure that his pet will not break off the leash during estrus and will not go to get to know some of the males better.

Handing out a brood of mestizos is not an easy task, and killing helpless newborn puppies is not humane. Much better to prevent their appearance.

Heat itself is also a sad time for the owner. Twice a year for a month, he is forced to buy special underwear for the dog so that it does not stain the apartment, while the animal regularly strives to get rid of the clothes it does not need and do its own hygiene procedures.

Some bitch owners choose not to neuter their animals, but rather use hormonal drugs to prevent estrus. However, these drugs have many side effects. For example, they contribute to the appearance of cysts on the ovaries, inflammation of the uterus, after which sterilization becomes urgently needed.

When to neuter your dog

how to identify a Yorkie in heat
how to identify a Yorkie in heat

Doctors differ on the age at which it is best to neuter a dog. Some veterinarians offer such services as early as five to six months of age, while others recommend scheduling surgery after the first estrus, that is, at eight to ten months. Too early sterilization (up to five months) is not desirable. In puppies, organs are actively growing, and the removal of some of them can lead to deformation of the rest. You can also neuter an adult dog, but the operation is not recommended for older bitches.

As a rule, sterilization is carried out under general anesthesia, and such loads can cause irreparable harm to the cardiovascular system of an elderly animal.

When planning to register a dog for neutering, focus not only on the age, but also on the state of health of the animal. Your dog must be completely healthy. When working with young bitches, the veterinarian, as a rule, is limited to visual examination, temperature measurement, listening to the heart rate. Blood and urine tests are taken from animals over five years old, and an EKG is done. If you are determined to neuter your dog, do not delay the operation. The sooner you do it, the faster your pet will recover and begin to live a full life again.
