How To Feed British Cats

How To Feed British Cats
How To Feed British Cats

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The basic rule of feeding a British cat is to take into account its individual characteristics. Knowledge of general recommendations should be combined with the study of the characteristics and habits of your particular pet. In this case, you will be able to provide your pet with high-quality and nutritious food and will not harm her health.

How to feed British cats
How to feed British cats

It is necessary

  • Food trough
  • Drinker
  • Natural meat and dairy products
  • Cereals
  • Vegetable oils
  • Vitamins and sprouted grass


Step 1

Give up the habit of hand-feeding your British cat at the wrong time. Establish a strict feeding schedule once and for all for everyone in your home. At this stage, the most difficult thing is to convince the most compassionate households that the optimal diet for a cat is to eat three times a day, and not to get a tidbit at any time.

how to bring the British
how to bring the British

Step 2

Try to build your daily routine in such a way that feeding the animal and your eating take place at about the same time - this will provide the most comfortable situation for both the animal deprived of temptation and for you: you will get the opportunity to calmly eat food without being distracted by the pleading look of the British …

feed the cat
feed the cat

Step 3

Pay special attention to a balanced diet. To properly feed a British cat, you need to know that out of the total amount of food that it will receive per day, 70% of it should be water, 15% should be protein elements, 12% should be fat, and carbohydrates and minerals should be 2 and 1%, respectively. Guided by these figures, introduce meat products, fish, offal, vegetable oils, rolled oats into the diet. This step requires special attention from you, since an excess or deficiency of any of the listed elements can lead to the onset of the disease. So, excessive consumption of fish (more than 10-15% of the daily diet) leads to the formation of urolithiasis. You can feed the British cat with a variety of dairy products, such as low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk.

What food to feed the cat
What food to feed the cat

Step 4

Make it a rule to monitor your food. It should not be excessively hot or cold. It is optimal to feed your British cat food that is kept at room temperature. After finishing the meal, take the leftovers and throw them away: never mix new food with old!

how to keep a british kitten
how to keep a british kitten

Step 5

Take care of additional nutrients and purchase special herbs from the pet store for the British cat to chew on. An alternative option - vitamins - may take place, but will not be as effective.

how to feed a Briton 1.5 months
how to feed a Briton 1.5 months

Step 6

To properly feed a British cat, remember that representatives of this breed have an urgent need for vitamins that belong to group B. Measurement of the pet's weight allows you to determine the required amount. Avoid introducing food that is excessively saturated with mineral salts into the diet. Another proportion, the observance of which should become an unbreakable commandment for you - the ratio of calcium and phosphorus: the cat should receive them in equal amounts.

Step 7

Decide if you are going to feed the cat with ready-to-eat food. If so, then you should immediately accustom her to alternating home cooked food and dry food. However, in no case should you feed a British cat exclusively with prepared food from a pet store! Find an opportunity to independently shape your pet's meal, and he will delight you with his health for many years.
