In summer, the forest is full of ants scurrying to and fro. They make reserves to successfully winter and survive until spring. Few saw what was happening inside the anthill in the middle of winter. Its inhabitants fall into a state of suspended animation, turning part of their body into glycerin.

Step 1
People who breed ants at home in special glass devices have noticed that, regardless of the ambient temperature, in the fall, at the same time, the life of ants changes. The same happens in nature. Insects are gradually getting ready for winter. The uterus stops laying eggs, and worker ants are especially active in absorbing the secretions of aphids. They contain sugar, which is converted into glycerin inside the ant's body. Its share in the total weight can reach 30%. So insects preserve themselves, since fatty glycerin does not allow their bodies to turn into ice.
Step 2
Then the ants batten down the main exits from the anthill, leaving only ventilation holes, and descend into the deepest rooms of their dwelling. The passages and caves in the anthill can go 3-4 meters deep. The more severe winter is expected, the farther from the surface the ants will hide. If thermometers are installed in the anthill in the fall, they will show that in some chambers the temperature drops to -30, while in others it remains at levels from -1.5 to -2 degrees.
Step 3
Depending on the species, larvae and winged individuals sometimes hibernate with worker ants and a queen. So insects guarantee themselves the continuation of the genus. Winged ants will have time to leave the anthill and establish a new one immediately with the onset of heat, and the larvae will quickly give new generations of working ants and males.
Step 4
If you dig up an anthill in winter, you can see that insects do not just sleep, but are in a slowed down state. They are incapable of attacking a border trespasser, but instinctively release acid and swing their mandibles.