Animals, although those that man domesticated a long time ago, still remain animals and live in apartments, obeying the same instincts as their counterparts in the wild. When you bring a little cute and fluffy cat into the house, be prepared that in 7-8 months it can turn into an aggressive, always screaming monster, leaving foul-smelling marks all over the apartment. It is then that it is worth thinking about castration.

How is the operation done
It is best to castrate a cat until the moment when he already knows all the joys of love. If you have time before that, the cat will not begin to react to cats in heat and mark the territory in the apartment, attracting females. Therefore, you need to consult a veterinarian already at 6-7 months in order to carry out the operation at 7-8 months. In America, cats and cats are castrated and spayed at the age of 3-4 months, but this is too early - such an operation is fraught with disproportionate physical development of the animal, due to hormonal disruption.
The operation to remove the testes in cats is performed under both general and local anesthesia. This procedure is simple and quick - an experienced veterinarian will spend no more than 5 minutes on it. In some cases, even stitches are not required. There are no complications after it, especially if the cat is still young. In cats "aged" complications are associated with recovery from anesthesia, there are no other dangers and contraindications for the operation.
Consequences of neutering a cat
Negative consequences after the operation can be only if a preliminary veterinary examination of the animal has not been carried out, in which case general anesthesia can provoke an exacerbation of the existing chronic disease.
Basically, all the negative consequences are far-fetched - many owners attribute human feelings to animals and think that the cat is very upset, his self-esteem is lowered, he stopped feeling like a “man” and plunged into melancholy. You should not be so upset, the cat simply lost the need to run after cats and attract them by putting his tags. The forces that he spent on this now remain unclaimed. The cat becomes calmer and sleeps more time or just lies. Overweight can become negative consequences of castration. To avoid this, feed your pet special foods for neutered cats, or simply reduce his daily food intake by 15-20%.
There is an opinion that castration can provoke the development of urolithiasis in an animal. But the testes have nothing to do with it. Urolithiasis is a direct consequence of metabolic disorders, which can be caused by improper diet, heredity and other factors, but not castration.
According to statistics, castrated cats live longer, less often get sick with feline leukemia, immunodeficiency virus and peritonitis, which are sexually transmitted.