How To Teach A Dog To Look

How To Teach A Dog To Look
How To Teach A Dog To Look

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Today, many people have a loyal friend and protector - a dog. Walking through the park, you will notice that some dogs are very smart and follow any commands that the owner tells them. The question immediately arises - how to train a dog to carry out a wide variety of commands? It's very simple.

How to teach a dog to look
How to teach a dog to look


Step 1

If you do not have a puppy yet, then you will have to sweat, choosing a puppy, as the individual must be hardy, physically strong, not have any mental disorders and deviations. For work in large areas it is better to choose representatives of large breeds, and for small rooms - undersized dogs.

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Step 2

Choose exactly the dog that suits you in character, does not have aggressive habits, does not rush to people and other animals, as well as the one that is naturally predisposed to searching. You will notice this after a short walk together.

how to train a dog in commands
how to train a dog in commands

Step 3

Next, you will have to choose the form of encouragement that is necessary and suitable for the individuality of the dog. For some dogs, food is the best reward, for some, praise and affection are best; if you choose food, the reward should be attractive to the animal. With a piece of bread and a piece of bread, you are unlikely to be able to attract the attention of a dog, so use meat or fish for this. The most important thing is that you give your dog a slice of well-deserved food on time, after achieving the desired result. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from training.

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how to tell a york puppy from an adult dog

Step 4

Remember that before starting a class, you need to walk the dog well so that it loses interest in the environment and a little energy sleep.

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look for a dog

Step 5

After you have decided on the encouragement, you need to start the training itself. To do this, you will need a cone, which you can buy at any pet store. If it is not possible to buy this thing, then it is very easy to make it yourself. In total, you will need about 10 cones, which must be initially marked.

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don't lose your dog

Step 6

Let the dog smell the item you are looking for, encourage it with a piece of food, and then hide the item in one of the cones. Take the animal to the cones and let them sniff. If successful, re-feed the meat piece. Continue until the dog finds exactly what you need without fail.

Step 7

Next, diversify the number of items that have different smells and repeat the training of the dog, remembering to reward him and give him a rest.

Step 8

The final stage of training is to put a variety of objects in 10 cones. And just highlight one - exactly the one that the animal will look for among a wide variety of smells. After successful training, please the dog - play with it, feed it well. Repeat workouts every day.
