Your cat's reaction to a new one in the house depends on the cat's mastery of social language and first acquaintance. If it is very difficult to influence the first factor, then you should make every effort so that the first date leaves only good impressions of your pets about each other.

Step 1
Pick up the cats one at a time before arranging a meeting. This will mix their smells. Rub a cloth over the face of one of the cats to activate the glands on the cheeks and leave a mark on the cloth. Then place this piece of cloth on a second cat to "get acquainted" with the foreign smell.
Step 2
Watch out for the safety of the newbie. Allocate a separate room for him, where the cat will get comfortable and recognize its new owners. Pay more attention to her and show that you care.
Step 3
Prepare for the unexpected. At the first meeting of a new cat with the "mistress of the house" it will not be possible to avoid a clash of interests. Stay close at this moment and keep the situation under control. The first meeting shouldn't last long. Subsequently, run your cat briefly into the room you have allocated for the beginner.
Step 4
Let's sniff cats through the door for a week if the first meeting turns into a fight. Then put your new cat in the carrier and leave your cat in the same room for a while. After a couple of days, put on the harness on the person who shows more aggression. Arrange the "confrontation" again.
Step 5
Give your new cat more freedom: After a few days, allow her to have a good look around your home. Under your careful guidance, allow her to study one new room a day. In each room, provide her with some kind of safe shelter in case of an attack from your pet.
Step 6
Feed your cats at the same time. After putting food in the crate for your new cat, leave a treat for yours nearby. If animals eat nearby, they will get to know each other better and, having enough food, they will no longer see each other as rivals.