Welsh Corgi Cardigan: Character, Care, Prices

Welsh Corgi Cardigan: Character, Care, Prices
Welsh Corgi Cardigan: Character, Care, Prices

In ancient times, dogs of the Welsh Corgi Cardigan breed perfectly mastered the shepherd's "art", skillfully guiding large herds of cattle in the right direction. They did it in a very peculiar way - they imperceptibly crept up to the cow, made a light bite on one of the limbs and jumped back to a safe distance with lightning speed.

Welsh corgi cardigan
Welsh corgi cardigan

A bit of history

The Welsh Corgi Cardigan is an old British breed of herding dogs, whose homeland is considered to be the highlands of South Wales. The first mentions of the Welsh Corgi date back to the 10th century, there is also a beautiful legend that these cute dogs once served as cabbies for the elves, and therefore on their faces you can see characteristic white spots, supposedly left over from a magic harness.


Dogs of the Welsh Corgi Cardigan breed are real lovers of life. They love walks in the fresh air, take part in outdoor games with pleasure, besides they are extremely hardy - their "threshold of fatigue" can come only after two hours of active pastime: running, jumping, fidgeting, etc. Welsh Corgi are dogs with a sense of humor and a funny smile that almost never disappears from their funny faces is proof of this.

Welsh Corgi treat the owner with respect and will never insist on continuing the game if he decided to end it. With household members and other animals, dogs of this breed get along very easily, and they simply adore children. They are not aggressive towards strangers, although they prefer to keep their distance from them.

Care and feeding

Welsh-corgi-cardigan - dogs are unpretentious, all caring for them comes down to frequent walks, combing wool (at least once a week) and periodic bathing (twice a year). Walking with a Welsh Corgi must be given a fairly large amount of time - lack of movement can provoke obesity.

Welsh Corgi belong to long-lived dogs, with proper care and quality nutrition, they can faithfully serve their owner up to 15 years. Like representatives of any other breed, these dogs have problem areas. In the Welsh Corgi, this is the spine. Due to the fact that the dog has a fairly large length and a decent weight (up to 18 kg), it is necessary not to allow it to overcome any high obstacles and to minimize walking on steps.

The daily diet of a Welsh Corgi is fundamentally no different from the diet of a dog of any other breed. When feeding your pet, you just need to remember the golden rule: you cannot save on stern. If preference is given to dry food, then only premium food, if we are talking about natural feeding, then only fresh, low-fat food.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan are quite expensive dogs. Due to the popularity of the breed, the cost of a puppy can be one thousand conventional units, or even more. What do you get for this money? You get a lot of positive emotions, a reliable friend and a loyal guard.