If you decide to take a cat into your house, find out in advance how to feed it and how to care for it. Assess your capabilities: do you have enough time, patience and financial capabilities for this.

Step 1
If you have a new family member, a little kitten, show him his place in the house. The kitten must know where his bowl is and where the toilet (tray) is. Never place a bowl of food next to the tray. This can prevent you from toilet training quickly and easily.

Step 2
Place a drinking cup next to the food bowl. It should be large enough, because cats need to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day (30 ml of water per 1 kg of animal weight). If you are giving your cat dry specialized food, then know that she should drink three times the amount of food consumed.

Step 3
Give the animal plain, clean water. The belief that cats love milk is wrong. In addition, it can cause stomach upset in the animal. If, nevertheless, you notice that your cat is happy to drink milk, choose a product with a minimum fat content or simply dilute it with water. Keep in mind that fermented milk products are healthier for the digestive tract of an animal than regular milk.

Step 4
Don't feed your cat raw fish. This product can provoke the development of urolithiasis in your pet. The information that cats love fish is wrong.

Step 5
If you are feeding your animal meat, then choose lean veal or chicken fillets. It is better to refuse pork. The meat must be cut into small pieces and boiled without adding salt and spices, and in the remaining broth, cook porridge or soup for the cat.

Step 6
Also feed the cat with liver and heart (beef or chicken). These products can only be scalded with boiling water and given to the animal in such a half-baked form for food.
Step 7
Never give food to an animal that you eat yourself. These products can be harmful to him, as they are prepared with the addition of seasonings, salt, and fats.
Step 8
Feed the cat twice a day, and the pregnant one four, five. Once the animal has finished eating, wash the bowl and remove. She should not stand all day with food, as the food can go bad. Also, train your pet to eat in a certain way.
Step 9
If you are not buying specialized pet food, consult your veterinarian about what vitamins and in what proportions to give to your cat. Their reception depends on the age of the animal, body weight, breed, health status, etc.
Step 10
Clean your pet's ears once a week with a cotton swab dipped in plain water or vegetable oil. This procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to harm the animal.
Step 11
Cut the claws of the animal once every ten to fourteen days. To do this, you need to purchase a special clipper at the pet store. In order not to damage the vessels, look at the claw carefully. You will see that they are visible through the claw.
Step 12
Bathe your animal only on rare occasions, for example, if it gets very dirty while walking. A healthy cat is able to maintain the cleanliness of its fur itself.
Step 13
Brush your kitty at least once a week. To do this, you need to purchase two combs (with frequent and rare teeth). First, comb the animal's hair with a wide-toothed comb, and remove the remaining hair that has fallen out with another comb. The coat should be smooth, without splits. If your pet sheds heavily throughout the year, see your veterinarian.
Step 14
Do not give medications to your animal without consulting your veterinarian. Moreover, you cannot treat a cat with the drugs that you take yourself. You can kill an animal.
Step 15
Love your pet, play with him and spend more time, and he will return you with mutual love and devotion.