How Hamsters Live

How Hamsters Live
How Hamsters Live

Table of contents:


Hamsters are one of the most popular pets. They easily get used to living in a cage or aquarium, and do not require time-consuming maintenance. The main thing is to clean the habitat of the animals in time and change the drinking water as often as possible.

How hamsters live
How hamsters live


Step 1

Hamsters are nocturnal animals. The peak of their activity is from 11 pm to 4 am. Therefore, if you do not want pets to wake you up with their rustling, place the cage or aquarium in a spare room or in the hallway. Despite their size, these animals are very noisy, they bury food in the litter, spin in a wheel, and run after each other. Therefore, it is better that their house stands where it will not interfere with anyone's rest.

wash hamsters
wash hamsters

Step 2

Hamsters are not very social animals and will easily spend their entire life alone. To prevent the hamster from getting bored, put a running wheel in his cage or aquarium, put wooden toys. Rubber and plastic cannot be used, the hamster will gnaw them, and harmful material will enter the stomach.

how to wash a dzungarian hamster
how to wash a dzungarian hamster

Step 3

In nature, hamsters feed on cereals, leaves, nuts, hay, vegetables. Feed your pet the same. Pet stores currently have enough food for small rodents. It is better to buy ready-made, since several types of grains are mixed in it, nuts and fruits are added. Some mixtures contain pieces of chalk, as well as vitamins. These are all very useful for pet hamsters.

how to get along with hamsters
how to get along with hamsters

Step 4

In nature, hamsters move a lot to get food. You don't need to look for food at home, rodents get fat, muscles atrophy, they get sick. To keep your hamster healthy, let him run around the room. Just close all the cracks, otherwise the hamster will hide and may chew on furniture or wires. In the summer, take your hamster outside for a walk. He not only runs in the grass, but also gnaws dandelion leaves or young nettle sprouts. This vitamin bait will be very useful for your hamster.

how to catch a hamster in an apartment
how to catch a hamster in an apartment

Step 5

Keep your hamster's home clean. Change the litter every day so that there is no peculiar smell. Pour clean water in the morning. You can use bird drinkers for hamsters - closed flasks with a spout. In them, the water is not polluted and does not deteriorate as quickly as in a bowl.
