If you have decided to learn how to breed rabbits at home, then you should learn to distinguish between a male and a female. You will need this skill at the pet store or breeder where your first rabbits will be bought. You can’t take the seller’s word for it, it’s better to check and determine the gender yourself.

Step 1
In young rabbits, it is possible to distinguish males from females from three weeks of age by examining the genitals. For adult animals and grown-up young animals, the procedure is carried out a little differently than for small rabbits.

Step 2
You should start examining the rabbit by washing your hands. Then take the rabbit in your arms and turn it on its back with its hind limbs away from you. In very young males, a hole will be visible, in older rabbits - a tube. Females have a cone-shaped genitals with a slit-like opening on the side of the tail. The distance to the anus is shorter in females.

Step 3
In adult rabbits, gender determination must be done carefully, as you can get a strong blow with hind legs with large claws. With your right hand, hold the tail, and with your left, pull the skin off the penis towards the head. Young males will show a tube with a hole; mature males will have a slightly curved penis. Females will develop a genital slit surrounded by looped labia.

Step 4
To more reliably determine the sex of rabbits, you should pay attention to additional signs. Males look smaller than rabbits, have a strong constitution, a large head. Females, on the other hand, have a wide croup and an elongated head.