If you are the owner of a feathered friend, you should show it to a specialist (ornithologist) at least once a year for preventive purposes. However, most often we only seek help when the bird is already sick. How to find out what is happening with your pet before the doctor comes? Appearance and behavior are indicators of a parrot's ill health. A few typical signs of the disease are listed below.

Step 1
The bird sleeps a lot or almost all the time, does not play, does not clean its feathers. Sore eyes, runny nose, sneezing indicate that the bird has a cold.
What to do: warm it up under the lamp, the temperature must be maintained at 30 - 35 degrees. Note, however, that one side of the cage is shaded. The bird should be able to hide if it gets hot. Almost all uncomplicated diseases of birds are at first treated by warming up.

Step 2
Intermittent breathing. The bird is breathing heavily or sniffling, despite the fact that outwardly it looks practically healthy. Most likely, the disease has already become chronic.
What to do: it is urgent to show the doctor, the diagnosis can only be made with a more thorough examination.

Step 3
If, sitting on a perch, the bird holds its tail perpendicular to the floor - this is a very alarming signal. Similar symptoms may indicate lung problems.

Step 4
You noticed that the parrot began to drink a lot. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys are accompanied by similar problems.
Diarrhea is another sign of gastrointestinal inflammation. In case of discomfort of this kind, a parrot can sit for a long time on the floor of the cage, from an active and joyful bird it will turn into a passive and sad one.
What to do: give chamomile infusion, transfer to easily digestible food, put a lamp (preferably infrared) next to the cage.
Step 5
Growths appeared on the legs, the joints were inflamed, redness and small wounds - a tick or bacterial infection.