Who Is Tapir

Who Is Tapir
Who Is Tapir

There are many different types of mammals, because the fauna of the planet Earth is diverse. There are such species of animals that amaze with their appearance; in some individuals, the name itself is interesting. Each species of animal has its own characteristic external features, and some may remotely resemble different species. Tapirs are one of these animals.

Who is tapir
Who is tapir

Tapir - refers to the odd-hoofed large mammals. Outwardly, they strongly resemble a pig, only their muzzle is elongated and ends with a small trunk.

Animals live in Southeast Asia, as well as in Central and South America. Tapirs feed only on grass, berries and fruits at a height accessible to them. They are believed to be the closest relatives of horses and rhinos. Tapirs are rather large animals. The average weight of an adult tapir ranges from 150-300 kg. Pregnancy lasts 13 months. As a rule, the female gives birth to only one cub. Cubs are born with a bright protective striped-spotted color, which gradually disappears as the animal matures.

In the wild, the average lifespan of a tapir is about thirty years. Tapir is a peaceful animal that does not attack anyone itself, only if their cub is not in danger.

Tapirs live in forests, near water bodies, as they love water very much. In addition, it is under water, in case of danger, that they hide so that they cannot be reached. If they are hunted, the animals can leave their usual habitat with the whole flock and master new places where nothing threatens them.