How To Escape From A Wolf

How To Escape From A Wolf
How To Escape From A Wolf

To escape from the wolf, you need to understand whether you are dealing with a healthy or sick predator. There is a chance to escape from a sick wolf; you can hide from a healthy wolf by climbing a tree.


The wolf is much larger than domestic dogs, of which it is an ancestor. Its weight can reach 62 kg. The height of the wolf is about 90 cm, and the length is about 1 m 60 cm. The wolf is a strong animal capable of killing prey larger than itself, for example, an elk or a deer. Most often, wolves hunt in packs, driving their prey. The running speed of a predator can reach 60 km / h.

A meeting with this forest dweller can end very badly. If you unexpectedly met a wolf, try to identify a healthy or rabid animal in front of you.

How to escape from a mad wolf

An animal with rabies can be recognized by its appearance. If the wolf's fur is matted, he tucked his tail, lowered his head and looked at you with a dull look, drooling from his mouth - a mad animal is in front of you. The meeting place also says a lot. A lone wolf, wandering into the village on a clear day, is most likely sick. The rabid wolf is doubly dangerous, because it carries a deadly disease and is not afraid of people. A sick predator will most likely rush at you right away.

To save yourself, run to the nearest shelter. The rabid beast is weakened and exhausted, it loses its orientation in space, so you have every chance of fleeing from it. If, nevertheless, the wolf caught up with you, fight back with everything you can, call for help, do not let yourself be thrown to the ground.

Wolves usually attack in a jump, if you have a stick or a pole in your hands, try to knock down the predator at the time of the jump. If it does not work, substitute your hand under the blow. It is very good if you had time to wrap a jacket around it beforehand. After your hand is in the wolf's mouth, press the beast to the ground and climb on top of it. Try to bend the wolf's neck back, towards the shoulder blades, in this position he will not be able to squeeze the jaws very much.

How to escape from a healthy wolf

If a meeting with a gray predator took place in the forest, most likely you met a healthy animal. Don't even try to run away from such a wolf. On the contrary, your flight will kindle the hunter's instinct in the beast, and he will rush after the fleeing victim. The speed of a wolf is much greater than the speed of a man - you simply won't stand a chance.

To escape from a healthy forest wolf, slowly step back without turning your back to the predator. Talk loudly with the wolf, the sounds of human speech can scare him away. But do not shout, this can provoke aggression. The target of your retreat should be the nearest tall tree you can climb. Fortunately, wolves do not know how to climb trees, but do not tempt fate, climb the tree as high as possible.
