Zoologists believe that wolf intelligence is higher than that of a dog, and the order in the pack can serve as an example for humans. Of course, you can raise a wolf cub in captivity. But what will happen to him then? He will not be able to live in nature. He does not know how to hunt, does not know how to build relationships with his fellow tribesmen. The cubs left in the house as a domestic dog are cute, playful and affectionate. But, starting from the age of two, they show the habits of a freedom-loving and independent predator, which sometimes ends fatally for one of the parties. And you need to feed the wolf cub correctly.

Step 1
If you are feeding a wolf cub, pay special attention not to the pacifier. Scientists have found that the way a wild animal is fed affects the level of emotional balance. The sucking wolf needs to push against something. In addition, he touches his paws. This massage stimulates the mother's milk production and promotes the development of motor activity of the cub. In the future, the same movements will be used by him when cutting meat with his paws.

Step 2
Cut out the cardboard disc. Slide it over the base of the nipple. Feed your cub only with this disc. In animals that were fed from a conventional teat, ticks appeared when meat was introduced. In the future, it subsides, but irritability, emotional imbalance, and conflicts remain forever.

Step 3
The properties of the nipple itself are also important. Make sure that the hole through which the milk flows is small, and the baby will have to put in some effort when sucking. If milk comes in easily, the baby is quickly satiated, but does not have time to satisfy his sucking reflex during this time and continues to eat. The result is overeating, being overweight, and in the future food conflicts and inability to create a food supply. A tight nipple fosters a healthy attitude towards food.

Step 4
In all other respects, feeding a wolf cub and a puppy of an ordinary domestic dog is practically the same. Feed your baby goat's milk or cow's milk with the addition of raw egg yolk.

Step 5
As you can see, feeding a wolf cub correctly is not such a big problem. But raising a dog from him will not work. The wolf is an animal with a complex psyche and certainly not a domestic one. Before deciding on a risky experiment - raising a wolf cub - seek advice from a specialist.

Step 6
More or less normal maintenance of the animal can be provided in the presence of a large aviary. Constant supervision by a specialist is required. Otherwise, you will get a notorious, aggressive animal, which also has health problems, since you will not be able to provide it with the necessary physical activity. Do not engage in risky experiments, take the wolf cub to the zoo.