Dog grooming requires daily walks. Therefore, in many cities, sites are being created for walking these animals. Each such site must be specially equipped.

Step 1
In the central part of the city with dense residential development, equip areas for walking dogs with an area of 400 - 600 sq. M. On territories outside microdistricts, they can be located near highways and railways, power lines and occupy 800 or more square meters. Be sure to fence them either with a hedge of trees and shrubs, or with a mesh or lattice fence 1.5 meters high.

Step 2
Make the surface of the site flat. It can be a lawn with a grass cover of 3-5 cm, or sand and gravel cover, convenient for regular cleaning and renewal. The site should be equipped with seating, ballot boxes, signboards, lighting devices. The configuration of the site depends on the capabilities of the landscape.

Step 3
The law regulates the distance from the dog walking area to the windows of residential buildings. It should be at least 40 m, and at least 50 m to the borders of preschool institutions and schools.

Step 4
Many owners combine walking their pets with their training. Therefore, ideally, where possible, it is necessary to equip areas for the simultaneous walking and training of dogs. They must be equipped with educational, training and sports equipment, a rain shed, benches, an information stand, a container for collecting garbage, as well as an insulated room (possibly without a foundation) for storing the equipment necessary for training, equipment and instructors' rest.

Step 5
Make the area for dog training at least 2000 square meters. It should also have a leveled surface and cover that provides good drainage without injuring the limbs of the animals. For example, it can be sandy or sandy-earthen cover, convenient for regular cleaning and renovation. The fence should be at least 1.5 m high, with a gate and a wicket, with bush planted on the outside. The distance between the elements and sections of the fence, its bottom edge and the ground should not allow dogs to leave the area or injure themselves.