How To Run Away From Boars

How To Run Away From Boars
How To Run Away From Boars

A walk in the forest is not only a pleasant pastime, searching for mushrooms and berries. Sometimes you can also meet forest dwellers in nature, and not all of them are harmless. A wild boar is a danger to humans.

How to run away from boars
How to run away from boars

How to prevent danger

In order not to have to flee from wild boars, it is better to warn the danger and not wander in those places where they are found. You can find out that these animals are found in this section of the forest by following the tracks: forked sharp hooves. The forest litter in the halo of their habitat is lined with short stripes about ten centimeters wide - the result of wild boars searching for acorns and nuts. They love boars and swim after the rain. The puddle, the bottom of which is dug with hooves, is another evidence that it is better to choose another place for walking, searching for mushrooms and picking berries.

An adult boar is a huge, not very pleasant-smelling animal with long fangs. Curious little striped hogs are another matter. Driven by a thirst to explore the world around them, they themselves can go out to the person and, if people do not see them, study supplies and equipment. No matter how cute the animals seem to you, do not come into contact with them, because their mother is nearby. If you notice the cubs approaching you, it is better to immediately change direction.

How to save yourself from a wild boar

Despite its ferocious appearance, the boar has no desire to kill any person it meets on its way. When he sees people in the forest, he will most likely try to hide in the bushes and go on the attack only if you go straight to the place where he is hiding. It is impossible to escape from an angry boar: the animal is able to catch up even with a cyclist. The surest chance to escape is to climb a tree. Boars cannot climb or jump high. If possible, choose a sprawling tree on which you can comfortably sit: an angry boar is able to watch its prey below for several hours. However, in the absence of a choice, grab any trunk and pull your legs closer to your chest: there is a chance that the boar will rush past. In the case when the animal, having run further by inertia, turns around and prepares for the second run, try to climb as high as possible along the smooth trunk, as if along a rope.

Scares off wild boars and noise. Seeing a wild boar in the distance, start bawling songs, banging the lid on the pan, laugh out loud. In general, it is recommended to make as many loud sounds as possible throughout the walk - animals simply will not stick in your direction. But you shouldn't shoot a wild boar if you are not confident in your abilities: the wounded boar is extremely aggressive. Better to fire a couple of warning shots into the air - this will force the animal to retreat.
