What Are Scalars

What Are Scalars
What Are Scalars

The scalar is the most common aquarium fish. They are appreciated for their unique beauty, grace and interesting intellectual behavior. In its flat and wide shape, the scalar strongly resembles a leaf.

A kind of scalar
A kind of scalar

Scalaria belongs to the cichlid family and came to us from South America, more precisely, from its central part. In translation, its name means "winged leaf", and in Europe this little fish was called "angel fish".

The most common types

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There are many species of scalar, the most common aquarium species of which is the common scalar. Her body is high, strongly compressed from the sides. The color is silver with black stripes on the sides, its intensity depends on the conditions of keeping and the well-being of the fish. The marble scalar is no less common. In appearance, it is similar to the ordinary one, the main difference is the marbled color of the fish.

Scalaria Leopoldi is a relatively rare species in aquariums. It is also called humpback for its more elongated horizontal body. The stripes along the body are located more horizontally than vertically.

Living "decorations" for aquariums

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The zebra scalar has many dark, clear stripes on its body. The body color is light gray, silver, black fins are elongated. The next popular species is the golden scalar. She got this name due to her golden color with a pink tint. White horizontal stripes are visible on the fins. By its external sign, the scalar train looks like it. But unlike gold, it has elongated fins that resemble a train. The color of this fish is light beige, more pearlescent. The black scalar is completely different from her. This is a rather large fish with a rich velvety black color.

You can often find two-color or bicolor scalar. The body of this fish has two zones. The tail is dark black, and the rest is dark beige, gold. The scalar smoky and blue look good. Blue has a deep blue hue and long fins.

The leopard scalar is not at all like her. This fish is endowed with a truly leopard color, which makes it popular among scalar lovers. Chocolate scalar with a dark brown color is no less exotic.

Subtleties of content

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But whatever the type of this attractive fish, they all require compliance with the mandatory conditions of detention. The aquarium for such fish should be deep, more than 50 cm high. Water should be at least 24-28 ° C. The presence of vegetation in the aquarium is necessary, but you also need to leave free space for the movement of fish.

Scalarians prefer live food, but they also willingly eat frozen bloodworms, dry daphnia, and gammarus.

The scalars are very beautiful fish, they will perfectly decorate the aquarium. These are quite peaceful fish that get along well with other inhabitants of the aquarium.
