Why Does The Water Turn Green In An Aquarium?

Table of contents:

Why Does The Water Turn Green In An Aquarium?
Why Does The Water Turn Green In An Aquarium?

Video: Why Does The Water Turn Green In An Aquarium?

Video: Why Does The Water Turn Green In An Aquarium?
Video: How to Fix Green Water in an Aquarium (Easiest and Cheapest Method) 2024, December

"Blooming" of water is typical for various reservoirs, including home aquariums. The water usually turns green in summer - in July or August, this process can be accompanied by an unpleasant odor and the death of fish. To get rid of "blooming", you need to find out its cause.

Why does the water turn green in an aquarium?
Why does the water turn green in an aquarium?


Step 1

In addition to fish, snails, plants and other living creatures, plankton also lives in the aquarium, causing water bloom - filamentous and unicellular green algae. In conditions of medium or low illumination, low water temperature, phytoplankton multiply slowly, the water remains transparent. Several factors contribute to an intensive increase in the mass of microorganisms.

Step 2

The most important reason for the increased growth of microscopic algae is the large amount of light. If the aquarium lighting is too intense, the water can turn green even in winter. In summer, natural daylight is enough for "blooming", especially if the aquarium is in direct sunlight.

Step 3

The second important factor in the "blooming" of water is the increase in its temperature. Active division of phytoplankton begins when the water temperature rises above the average annual.

Step 4

The presence of excessive amounts of organic matter in the water is another factor contributing to the multiplication of microorganisms. If you do not properly hygiene the aquarium and regularly overfeed the fish, phytoplankton begins to intensively divide in this nutrient medium, especially Euglena green.

Step 5

The last factor affecting the cleanliness of the aquarium is the lack of an influx of clean water. If you skimp on filter and aeration, the chemical-biological balance of the water suffers, which leads to the transformation of the aquarium into a "swamp".

Step 6

The most radical way to get rid of bloom is to completely replace the water and then shade the aquarium. If completely changing the water is problematic, you can change it by a third and cover the aquarium from light. Without lighting, phytoplankton will stop multiplying, and ciliates, for which it is a food, will purify the water. In addition, the aquarium can be populated with daphnia, shrimp, catfish, snails, which also feed on microscopic algae.

Step 7

If the water turns green, reduce the amount of food for the inhabitants of the aquarium. Normally, the fish should eat everything in 5-15 minutes. For a day or two, you can even stop feeding completely - the fish already have enough food that is already in the water. Also, make sure that the filtration and aeration devices in the aquarium are working properly - this helps to avoid excessive accumulation of organic matter in the water.
