Today, most dog breeders breed their pets primarily because of their passion for this interesting business and only then for the sake of business. Therefore, when planning to create a dog kennel, a person must clearly realize that a lot of money must be spent on this type of activity. Moreover, in the first few years there will be no profit from the nursery.

Step 1
So, when calculating the costs of the kennel activities, it is necessary to take into account the following items: the price of the producer bitch; costs of feed, vaccinations, medicines and vitamins; expenses for exhibitions and training.
Step 2
Having calculated all these costs, amateur dog breeders call the amount of about 60 thousand rubles. That is how much money will be spent per year for one breeding dog. But, this amount is minimum, and only for dogs of an average price level. For Yorkshire terriers, one bitch can cost from 100 thousand, if it's not a pappy mill. And for the CAO, the breeding material is not so expensive, but the arrangement of some enclosures will be much more expensive.
Step 3
In order to create a full-fledged dog kennel, you first of all need a lot of experience of "communication" with four-legged, as well as the appropriate knowledge and the opportunity to consult with professional dog breeders. According to the rules of the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF), the owner of the kennel must have a zoological education. Otherwise, it will be possible to open not a nursery, but only a prefix without the right to independently register litters. Created nursery must be registered either in the RKF system (which is best), or in any other alternative system.
Step 4
Fence and equip the nursery area. A dog kennel presupposes a place for walking dogs, a place for aviaries and cages; it makes sense to separately equip a quarantine zone and a veterinary office.
Step 5
Today, there are no special sanitary requirements for the arrangement of a dog kennel, but dogs should be kept in normal zoohygienic conditions that do not imply contact with other animals. Accommodation in household blocks and in the "poultry yard" is prohibited.
Step 6
Sign a contract for the supply of animal feed, as a rule, for wholesale supplies, the price is much lower, besides, you will get the opportunity to earn extra money if you place advertisements for manufacturers.
Step 7
Hire staff: a veterinarian, a trainer and a person who will be responsible for feeding and walking the animals. For a nursery of 20 individuals, three people are quite enough. If your business is organized for a commercial purpose, you will probably need an accountant, however, it is not necessary to hire one. By the way, in this case, you will need to open your own bank account.
Step 8
Legally, this type of activity can be formalized as an individual entrepreneur, a license is not required.