Why Is The Lion Called The King Of Beasts

Why Is The Lion Called The King Of Beasts
Why Is The Lion Called The King Of Beasts

Leo is a strong and big cat that can stand up for itself and prove to everyone that it was not in vain. But does the lion have the right to consider himself the king of all animals?

Why is the lion called the king of beasts
Why is the lion called the king of beasts

From time immemorial, man has been the crown of the creation of nature, but even he adores one animal. Grace, elegance, proud disposition, graceful gait, deafening roar - all these are synonyms for the saying "Lion is the king of beasts." But why exactly this animal conquered many hearts and acquired the status of the king of beasts? To answer this question, it is worth turning to history.

Feline history

Lions as a separate species have been known for a very long time. According to sources, even 100,000 years ago, these big cats had the most extensive land range among mammals. Lions were found on almost all continents, from Alaska and the Yukon in North America to Peru in the South, throughout Europe, in Asia to Siberia and most of Africa.

So what made the lion a reigning person? Undoubtedly his bohemian look. For example, the Egyptians worshiped the lion and ascribed supreme power to him. In Greece, it was believed that it was these cats that the Gods of Olympus themselves sent to Earth. In Christianity, it is mentioned that the lion embodies the will of Christ. One way or another, the lion was and remains "higher" than any animals. Although, according to scientists, this species is going through hard times now.

From the life of lions

Lions have never been alone. We can say that loneliness does not suit the royal people at all. In a family, or in a cat's pride, there are from 4 to 30 individuals. The leader here is the strongest and largest lion, surrounded by lionesses with cubs and growing lion cubs.

Among the many feline lions, only the tiger can be compared. The length of a lion's massive body usually ranges from 1 to 3 meters. The mass usually does not exceed 230 kilograms. Lionesses are smaller than males, their weight is on average 140 kilograms. Regardless of their weight, lions are always good hunters. With one paw, an adult lion can kill a zebra or other animal of this size.

Modern zoologists are increasingly disappointed in the "royal nobility" of the lion, because very often the females are the earners of food in the pride. Lions, on the other hand, appear only at the "share of the trophy".

But what happens when the years of royal rule come to an end? It is known that when a lion can no longer defend itself, it is expelled from the pride, and this is often used by smaller predators - hyenas. Undoubtedly, the terrible fate of all kings is an inglorious end among small animals.
