A person who wants to have a dog for the first time really has little idea of what responsibility he will have to face. This is a very serious step, regardless of whether the dog will live in an apartment or on the site of a country house. Prepare for the appearance of a dog in the family in advance.

Step 1
If the decision to have a dog is ripe for you finally, you should have an idea of the general issues related to the care and education of these animals. To get started, read books on raising dogs, for example: "What Your Dog Thinks About" by John Fisher, "How to Raise the Perfect Dog" by Caesar Millan, "School for Dogs: Step by Step" by Celina Del Amo, "Psychology of the Dog. Fundamentals of Dog Training Leon F. Whitney. Think well if you are ready to take on the responsibility that all the authors of such books talk about, whether you can devote enough time to the dog, whether you will provide it with the necessary care.
Step 2
Having answered yes to all of these questions, think about what breed of dog you want. Any breed, even if it belongs to one of the groups: guard, hunting, decorative, service, etc., has its own characteristics, which you also need to familiarize yourself with. Please note that even those breeds that seem like living toys, in fact, are not - they will have to be raised and trained no less than dogs of "working" breeds. In the event that you have no special preferences, it may be worth taking a dog from a shelter, since you love animals so much. You will receive love and gratitude from her to the fullest.
Step 3
Having chosen a breed, decide whether you will be engaged in breeding and participate in exhibitions. Please note that in this case the cost of the puppy will be much higher, you will have to spend more money on its maintenance, and more time on education and exhibitions. Check out the ads on specialized Internet resources, call breeders and visit several to choose the puppy that you like. They will give it to you at the age of 2-2.5 months.
Step 4
Prepare to welcome a new family member - buy your puppy height-adjustable food and drink bowls, set aside a place in a warm, quiet corner free of drafts. Prepare the foods and supplements needed to feed him. At first, the puppy will not leave the house until it gets stronger, and until you give him all the necessary vaccinations. Special toys and your care will help to brighten this period.
Step 5
While the puppy is growing, difficult times await you - he will need to be fed often, played with him, as well as educated and trained, as well as wipe the puddles behind him. Your pet will change its teeth, and it can cause irreparable damage to your furniture and slippers. Therefore, the main thing that you will need to get a dog is patience and your love.