How To Breed A Scalar

How To Breed A Scalar
How To Breed A Scalar

The scalar is one of the most beautiful aquarium fish. They are quite common and, with proper care, are easy to maintain. Breeding scalars is not particularly difficult.

How to breed a scalar
How to breed a scalar

Breeding conditions

Breeding salaria will require setting up a large enough aquarium. This is necessary for the fish to feel safe. Using small containers reduces the likelihood of successful breeding. Choose a tall aquarium with a volume of 70 - 100 liters.

Please note that scalars usually live in soft water, you need to monitor its acidity. To create the right conditions, you can use a special reverse osmosis filter for your aquarium. Do not try to use chemicals to give the water the desired properties, this can destroy the inhabitants of the aquarium. Try to observe the water temperature required for comfortable breeding of scalars from 22 to 27 degrees.

In order for the scalar breeding to be effective, try to feed them 2-3 times a day. Pour a small amount of special dry food into the aquarium and let it sit for 5 minutes. After this time, remove all feed residues.

Males and females

To breed scalars, you need to place two individuals in the aquarium - a male and a female, place the rest of these fish in a separate aquarium. If the fish are very young, it will be almost impossible to determine their sex, the differences appear only over time, wait for this moment. There are many ways to tell the difference between a male and a female. For example, the dorsal fin of the male is usually slightly longer than that of the female, in addition, we have more stripes on it. Female scalars are larger in size, this trait is one of the most revealing. Pay attention to the scalar's head as well. In females, it has a smooth, sometimes concave shape, while in males there is some convexity in the frontal part. If you do not want to understand the peculiarities of the structure of these fish, you can buy in advance a pair of male and female for breeding them.


By placing a couple of scalars in a separate aquarium, you need to create the necessary conditions for their reproduction. The offspring of these fish can appear within a few days, however, it is possible that the wait will drag on for weeks. Feed them more often during this period. Try to closely monitor that the acidity of the water is normal. Ideally, the ph of the aquarium water for these fish is 6.7 - 6.9. Try to at least keep it in the range of 5 - 8. If the selected pair of fish does not produce offspring, place their common aquarium again and monitor their behavior closely. Over time, you will find the formation of pairs that will constantly swim close to each other. Place this pair separately and wait for breeding.


The scalars are very attentive to their own offspring, so there is no need to interfere with the process of caring for them. Moreover, excessive attention can provoke fish to eat the fry. Try to feed your fish so they don't feel hungry. If you do find the offspring eating, you will need to move it to a separate container and monitor them yourself. At first, a one-liter jar filled with filtered water is enough for this. Try to keep the jar in a dark place. Once the fry start swimming on their own, place them in a larger vessel (about 10 liters) and care for them as if they were adults.
