How To Raise Cats

How To Raise Cats
How To Raise Cats

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Often among the owners of animals one can come across the opinion that only dogs lend themselves to training and education, and cats are capricious and independent. These qualities are really present in the character of cats, but, nevertheless, cats lend themselves well to education, and if you take up the educational process from the first day a cat appears in your house, the result will pleasantly surprise you. A kitten that gets into your home requires learning the rules of behavior and good manners - without your guidance, he will not learn about them, and subsequently this will bring you and your family a lot of trouble.

How to raise cats
How to raise cats


Step 1

As much as you love your kitten, don't let him do absolutely everything. Having pampered a cat, it is very difficult to raise it in the future. Gently but firmly explain to the kitten what can and cannot be done in your house.

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Step 2

It is useless to punish a cat for a misconduct, because, unlike a dog, it does not accept punishment at the expense of its own misconduct, but considers it a personal insult, and may seriously take offense at you. The first step towards reconciliation with the cat should always be taken by the owner.

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Step 3

If the kitten does something that cannot be done - for example, tears furniture or scratches clothes - explain to him in a calm tone that these actions are not allowed, but do not punish him with force.

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Step 4

Affect the cat by changing the intonation of the voice. Praise the cat in a soft and affectionate tone, and scold the cat in a stern and serious tone. If the cat has a tendency to bite the owner during the game, be sure to wean her from this bad habit. Never hit the animal - brute force can ruin your relationship with it forever.

How to raise an affectionate kitten
How to raise an affectionate kitten

Step 5

For a cat to grow up smart, well-mannered and calm, it must grow in an atmosphere of care and love. Therefore, if there are small children in the house, explain to them that the cat is a new member of the family that needs attention and affection. Let the kids know that the cat should not be bullied, or it may grow up intimidated and nervous.

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is it possible to raise a kitten while at work

Step 6

To prevent your cat from ruining your walls and furniture, get a good scratching post and sprinkle it with catnip so that the cat can transfer its instinct for sharpening its claws to a safe object.

Step 7

Wean the kitten from begging for food from the common table. To prevent the kitten from feeling hungry during family dinner, feed him before sitting down at the table, and then distract him with a toy.

Step 8

Toys in general are very important for a cat's upbringing - if she does not have toys, the cat will chew and spoil shoes, clothes and other objects in accordance with natural instincts. Toys will help the kitten fulfill his needs and will distract attention from your personal belongings.

Step 9

To distract your pet from spoiling indoor plants, plant cat grass or mint in a separate pot. Make sure that among your indoor plants there are no herbs that are poisonous to cats - calendula, tulips, lilies of the valley, ivy, wisteria, crocuses and other flowers that are harmful to the cat's health.

Step 10

If your cat is aggressive, just show calmness and submission. The cat will perceive this as a signal for reciprocal calmness.

Step 11

The main condition for the correct upbringing of a cat is the lack of physical strength and coercion. Maintain a mutually respectful relationship with the animal, and the cat will respond to you with love and devotion.
