Moscow Animal Shelters

Moscow Animal Shelters
Moscow Animal Shelters

Despite the constant talk of the municipal authorities about the need to create shelters for homeless animals, only Moscow has moved from words to deeds. In the capital, regulations governing the issue of homeless animals and their maintenance have long been enacted. In the rest of the regions, the main method of regulating their numbers is capture and subsequent killing.

Moscow animal shelters
Moscow animal shelters

Animal laws adopted by the Moscow government

Today Moscow is one of the few cities in Russia in which a civilized attitude towards stray and abandoned pets is adopted and legally approved. The laws passed by the Moscow government bring to a new level the attitude of the authorities and citizens towards those for whom it should be responsible. The policy of humane treatment of homeless animals is that the budget of the capital annually provides funds for regulating the number of animals and keeping them in municipal shelters, as well as for helping those shelters that operate on a voluntary basis and have private funding.

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take a dog from the shelter

Since 2001, the Order No. 403-RZP has been in effect, on the basis of which the castration and sterilization of animals living in the adjoining territories, their registration and registration are carried out. In order to increase the effectiveness of the measures taken by the decree of the government of the capital No. 819-PP dated 01.10.2002, an official decision was made to organize shelters for homeless animals in each administrative district of the city. In accordance with this decree, land plots were allocated, to which the necessary communications were connected, aviaries, administrative buildings and veterinary offices were built.

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The city government also allocates funds for the maintenance of animals in such shelters, although only the first six months are paid, and then dogs and cats are kept at the expense of charitable contributions and private donations, as in the West.

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Metropolitan animal shelters

Of course, despite the care taken by the authorities, municipal shelters are not always able to provide animals with dignified maintenance. They employ random people, most often guest workers, and not all of them are equipped with all the benefits envisaged by the standards. But in these shelters you can often find volunteers who not only care for the animals, but are also actively looking for new owners for them.

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Currently, on the territory of Moscow and nearby districts (Odintsovo, Khimki and others) there are more than 30 shelters, both municipal and those maintained by public organizations and private individuals. Private shelters, which accept both dogs and cats, are located at Moscow addresses:

- st. Sorge, building 21a, tel. 8-916-024-36-40;

- Botanical Garden on the territory of VDNKh, tel. 8-499-972-40-83;

- Dawn alley. 10, tel. 8-906-046-27-01;

- Alley of the First Mayevka, p. 7A, tel. 8-915-100-88-94;

- Solntsevo, Projected passage, house 720, tel. 8-926-908-23-92.

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Do you need animal shelters

Addresses of municipal shelters:

- st. Krasnaya Sosna, metro Sviblovo, tel. 8-968-759-59-16;

- st. Oak Grove, 23-25, tel. 8-916-127-88-04.

If you want to help or take home an animal and shelter, their addresses and phone numbers can always be found on the Internet. The shelters will accept any help both in the form of monetary donations and in the form of volunteer participation in their work.
